Key Votes


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Vote Smart provides easy access to congressional and state voting records and maintains a collection of key votes grouped by issue. Vote Smart uses the following criteria to select key votes:

  1. The vote should be helpful in portraying how a member stands on a particular issue
  2. The vote should be clear for any person to understand
  3. The vote has received media attention
  4. The vote was passed or defeated by a very close margin
  5. Occasionally, if a specific bill is consistently inquired about on the Voter's Research Hotline, the vote will be added

Vote Smart provides a summary of the version of the bill text associated with each selected key vote. Our summaries are written by Vote Smart's staff and interns, who adhere to our strict policies and procedures in order to guarantee absolute impartiality and accuracy. They do not necessarily reflect the content of the final version of the bill, but rather the version voted on in that stage. While many procedural votes take place before a full chamber vote, our voting stages reflect the final reading of each chamber vote. Each key vote selection is reviewed by the project's community of advisors, who are political scientists and journalists from all fifty states.

For more information about the legislative process, see here.

results per page:
Date State Bill No. Title Outcome
Feb. 16, 2011 National H Amdt 16 Reducing Navy and Air Force Appropriations Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 198)
June 14, 2013 National H Amdt 167 Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Guantanamo Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (236 - 188)
June 14, 2013 National H Amdt 167 Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Guantanamo Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (236 - 188)
June 14, 2013 National H Amdt 168 Establishes Framework for the Closing of the Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by December 1, 2014 Amendment Rejected - House (174 - 249)
June 19, 1997 National H Amdt 187 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 224)
June 23, 1997 National H Amdt 192 Border Defense Personnel Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (269 - 119)
June 23, 1997 National H Amdt 192 Border Defense Personnel Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (269 - 119)
May 17, 2007 National H Amdt 197 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Amendment Adopted - House (220 - 208)
June 23, 1997 National H Amdt 198 B-2 Bomber Program Termination Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (209 - 216)
June 24, 1997 National H Amdt 203 Bosnia Deployment Termination Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (278 - 148)
June 24, 1997 National H Amdt 203 Bosnia Deployment Termination Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (278 - 148)
June 24, 1997 National H Amdt 204 Bosnia Deployment Extension Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 231)
June 24, 1997 National H Amdt 204 Bosnia Deployment Extension Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 231)
May 25, 2005 National H Amdt 209 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (194 - 233)
May 15, 2015 National H Amdt 226 Limits Use of Funds to Implement New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (235 - 182)
May 15, 2015 National H Amdt 226 Limits Use of Funds to Implement New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (235 - 182)
July 25, 2001 National H Amdt 241 Substitute Amendment to Treasury Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2002 Amendment Adopted - House (240 - 186)
June 15, 2005 National H Amdt 270 Bans Use of Funds to Enforce Cuba Regulations Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
June 15, 2005 National H Amdt 270 Bans Use of Funds to Enforce Cuba Regulations Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
June 15, 2005 National H Amdt 280 Patriot Act Amendment - Library Records Amendment Adopted - House (238 - 187)
Sept. 9, 1993 National H Amdt 291 Burden Sharing Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
Sept. 4, 1997 National H Amdt 314 Army School of the Americas amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 217)
Sept. 4, 1997 National H Amdt 314 Army School of the Americas amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 217)
Sept. 29, 1993 National H Amdt 318 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (295 - 133)
July 23, 2013 National H Amdt 375 Prohibits the Use of Funds to Appoint Chaplains Without an Endorsing Agency Amendment Adopted - House (253 - 173)
July 23, 2013 National H Amdt 375 Prohibits the Use of Funds to Appoint Chaplains Without an Endorsing Agency Amendment Adopted - House (253 - 173)
June 21, 2007 National H Amdt 378 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly School of the Americas) Funding Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (203 - 214)
June 21, 2007 National H Amdt 378 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly School of the Americas) Funding Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (203 - 214)
June 2, 2011 National H Amdt 385 Prohibiting Funds From Being Used in Contradiction to the War Powers Resolution Amendment Rejected - House (208 - 213)
June 2, 2011 National H Amdt 385 Prohibiting Funds From Being Used in Contradiction to the War Powers Resolution Amendment Rejected - House (208 - 213)
June 2, 2011 National H Amdt 398 Prohibiting the Use of Funds for Transportation Security Administration Collective Bargaining Amendment Adopted - House (218 - 205)
May 24, 1995 National H Amdt 403 Foreign Abortion Ban Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (240 - 181)
June 2, 2011 National H Amdt 406 Transportation Security Administration Appropriations Amendment Adopted - House (219 - 204)
July 24, 2013 National H Amdt 413 Prohibits the National Security Agency from Collecting Records Under the PATRIOT Act Amendment Rejected - House (205 - 217)
June 13, 2011 National H Amdt 414 Prohibits Use of Funds in Contravention of the War Powers Resolution Amendment Adopted - House (248 - 163)
Feb. 3, 1994 National H Amdt 427 Fiscal 1994 Disaster Relief Funding Amendment Rejected - House (207 - 211)
Sept. 18, 2013 National H Amdt 463 Amends the Definition of "Strategic and Critical Minerals" Amendment Rejected - House (187 - 241)
July 19, 2005 National H Amdt 464 Obstetric Fistula Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (223 - 205)
Sept. 18, 2013 National H Amdt 466 Requires Mine Operators to Include the Cost of Cleanup in Financial Insurance Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 235)
June 28, 1995 National H Amdt 477 Abortion Funding Ban Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (243 - 187)
May 7, 1992 National H Amdt 529 Elimination of Funds for Seawolf Submarines and Other Programs Amendment Rejected - House (150 - 266)
May 23, 1994 National H Amdt 570 Ending Requirement for Selective Service Registration Amendment Rejected - House (125 - 273)
May 23, 1994 National H Amdt 570 Ending Requirement for Selective Service Registration Amendment Rejected - House (125 - 273)
June 9, 1994 National H Amdt 574 U.S. Policy on Haiti Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 226)
June 9, 1994 National H Amdt 574 U.S. Policy on Haiti Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 226)
May 24, 1994 National H Amdt 575 U.S. Policy on Haiti Substitute Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 236)
May 24, 1994 National H Amdt 575 U.S. Policy on Haiti Substitute Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 236)
June 9, 1994 National H Amdt 611 Lifting Arms Embargo on Bosnia Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (244 - 178)
June 9, 1994 National H Amdt 611 Lifting Arms Embargo on Bosnia Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (244 - 178)
May 19, 1993 National H Amdt 62 Citizens/Legal Residents Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (288 - 127)
May 20, 1998 National H Amdt 643 Abortion Private Funding Restoration Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (190 - 232)
May 27, 2010 National H Amdt 661 Removing Funding for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's Alternate Engine Program Amendment Rejected - House (193 - 231)
May 21, 2014 National H Amdt 669 Amends Intercontinental-Range Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) Laws Amendment Adopted - House (222 - 196)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 671 Prohibits Funds from Being Used for Certain Climate Change Reports Amendment Adopted - House (231 - 192)
May 27, 2010 National H Amdt 672 Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" After Military Review and Certification Amendment Adopted - House (234 - 194)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 675 Prohibits Funds from Being Used for Guantanmo Bay Operations Amendment Rejected - House (177 - 247)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 676 Repeals Indefinite Military Detention Provisions Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 230)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 679 Prohibits Funds from Being Used to Implement the New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 191)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 679 Prohibits Funds from Being Used to Implement the New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 191)
May 22, 2014 National H Amdt 680 Repeals Military Force Authorization Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 233)
May 22, 2013 National H Amdt 69 Requires Threat Assessment of Pipeline Vulnerabilities to a Terrorist Attack Amendment Rejected - House (176 - 239)
Feb. 17, 2011 National H Amdt 69 Reducing Federal Funding of the US Institute of Peace Amendment Adopted - House (268 - 163)
Feb. 17, 2011 National H Amdt 69 Reducing Federal Funding of the US Institute of Peace Amendment Adopted - House (268 - 163)
May 17, 2000 National H Amdt 714 Continued Deployment of Forces in Kosovo Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (264 - 153)
May 18, 2000 National H Amdt 722 Oversea Military Abortions Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 221)
May 18, 2000 National H Amdt 723 School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (204 - 214)
May 18, 2000 National H Amdt 723 School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (204 - 214)
Aug. 2, 2007 National H Amdt 734 Prescription Drug Imports Amendment Rejected - House (146 - 283)
May 30, 2014 National H Amdt 738 Authorizes Funds to be Used for Guantanamo Bay Operations Amendment Rejected - House (169 - 230)
May 22, 2013 National H Amdt 75 Requires All Oil and Refined Fuels Transported Through the Keystone XL Pipeline to be Used Only in The United States Amendment Rejected - House (162 - 255)
Sept. 7, 1995 National H Amdt 752 Overseas Military Abortions Amendment Adopted - House (226 - 191)
July 19, 1994 National H Amdt 759 Intelligence Spending Disclosure Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (194 - 221)
July 22, 1994 National H Amdt 778 Prohibiting Benefits to Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Adopted - House (220 - 176)
June 4, 2013 National H Amdt 84 Authorizes Funds for the Construction of United States Prison for Prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Amendment Rejected - House (170 - 254)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 901 Prohibits Transfer of Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (238 - 179)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 905 Prohibits Transfer of Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Any Foreign Country Amendment Adopted - House (230 - 184)
Sept. 17, 1998 National H Amdt 907 US Army School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (201 - 212)
Sept. 17, 1998 National H Amdt 907 US Army School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (201 - 212)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 907 Repeals Prohibition on Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfers and Facility Construction Amendment Rejected - House (163 - 249)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 908 Prohibits United States Combat Operations in Iraq Amendment Rejected - House (165 - 250)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 912 Prohibits Funds from Being Used Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 Amendment Rejected - House (182 - 231)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 917 Prohibits United States from Providing Weapons in Syria Amendment Rejected - House (167 - 244)
Feb. 18, 2011 National H Amdt 92 Prohibiting the Use of Federal Funds for NASCAR Sponsorships Amendment Rejected - House (148 - 281)
June 19, 2014 National H Amdt 935 Prohibits a Federal Employee from Requesting Foreign Intelligence Information in Relation to a US Citizen Amendment Adopted - House (293 - 123)
March 20, 1996 National H Amdt 968 Immigrant Public Assistance Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (151 - 269)
March 20, 1996 National H Amdt 969 Denying Public Education to Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Adopted - House (257 - 163)
March 20, 1996 National H Amdt 974 Immigrant English Proficiency Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (210 - 207)
July 13, 2000 National H Amdt 982 Debt Relief Funding amendment Amendment Adopted - House (216 - 211)
July 13, 2000 National H Amdt 983 HIV/AIDS Funding amendment Amendment Adopted - House (267 - 156)
July 13, 2000 National H Amdt 997 Family Planning Assistance Funding amendment Amendment Rejected - House (206 - 221)
April 19, 2007 MN H Amendment Resident Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Rejected - House (61 - 71)
March 5, 2021 FL HB 07 Establishes a Legal Defense Fund for Businesses Bill Passed - House (83 - 31)
May 28, 2011 TX HB 1 2011-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - House (97 - 53)
May 30, 2024 OH HB 1 Prohibits Foreign Nationals from Contributing Money Directly or Indirectly to State Ballot Initiatives Bill Passed - House (63 - 31)
Nov. 24, 2020 NM HB 1 Appropriates $330 Million in Coronavirus Relief Bill Passed - House (56 - 14)
Nov. 17, 2021 FL HB 1 Prohibits Private Employers from Imposing COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates Bill Passed - House (78 - 39)
April 3, 2011 TX HB 1 2011-2013 Budget Bill Passed - House (98 - 49)
Jan. 9, 2021 KY HB 10 Protects Businesses from Civil Lawsuits Arising from COVID-19 Bill Passed - House (75 - 21)
March 3, 2022 IN HB 1001 Amends COVID-19 Immunization and Vaccine Requirements Concurrence Vote Passed - House (78 - 10)
Jan. 8, 2024 WA HB 1012 Requires the Military Department Develop an Extreme Weather Response Grant Program Bill Passed - House (68 - 30)
Date No. Title Outcome
2/16 H Amdt 16 Reducing Navy and Air Force Appropriations Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 198)
6/14 H Amdt 167 Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Guantanamo Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (236 - 188)
6/14 H Amdt 167 Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Guantanamo Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (236 - 188)
6/14 H Amdt 168 Establishes Framework for the Closing of the Detention Facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by December 1, 2014 Amendment Rejected - House (174 - 249)
6/19 H Amdt 187 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 224)
6/23 H Amdt 192 Border Defense Personnel Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (269 - 119)
6/23 H Amdt 192 Border Defense Personnel Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (269 - 119)
5/17 H Amdt 197 Guantanamo Transfer Plan Amendment Adopted - House (220 - 208)
6/23 H Amdt 198 B-2 Bomber Program Termination Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (209 - 216)
6/24 H Amdt 203 Bosnia Deployment Termination Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (278 - 148)
6/24 H Amdt 203 Bosnia Deployment Termination Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (278 - 148)
6/24 H Amdt 204 Bosnia Deployment Extension Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 231)
6/24 H Amdt 204 Bosnia Deployment Extension Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (196 - 231)
5/25 H Amdt 209 Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (194 - 233)
5/15 H Amdt 226 Limits Use of Funds to Implement New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (235 - 182)
5/15 H Amdt 226 Limits Use of Funds to Implement New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (235 - 182)
7/25 H Amdt 241 Substitute Amendment to Treasury Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2002 Amendment Adopted - House (240 - 186)
6/15 H Amdt 270 Bans Use of Funds to Enforce Cuba Regulations Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
6/15 H Amdt 270 Bans Use of Funds to Enforce Cuba Regulations Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
6/15 H Amdt 280 Patriot Act Amendment - Library Records Amendment Adopted - House (238 - 187)
9/09 H Amdt 291 Burden Sharing Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 216)
9/04 H Amdt 314 Army School of the Americas amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 217)
9/04 H Amdt 314 Army School of the Americas amendment Amendment Rejected - House (210 - 217)
9/29 H Amdt 318 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (295 - 133)
7/23 H Amdt 375 Prohibits the Use of Funds to Appoint Chaplains Without an Endorsing Agency Amendment Adopted - House (253 - 173)
7/23 H Amdt 375 Prohibits the Use of Funds to Appoint Chaplains Without an Endorsing Agency Amendment Adopted - House (253 - 173)
6/21 H Amdt 378 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly School of the Americas) Funding Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (203 - 214)
6/21 H Amdt 378 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly School of the Americas) Funding Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (203 - 214)
6/02 H Amdt 385 Prohibiting Funds From Being Used in Contradiction to the War Powers Resolution Amendment Rejected - House (208 - 213)
6/02 H Amdt 385 Prohibiting Funds From Being Used in Contradiction to the War Powers Resolution Amendment Rejected - House (208 - 213)
6/02 H Amdt 398 Prohibiting the Use of Funds for Transportation Security Administration Collective Bargaining Amendment Adopted - House (218 - 205)
5/24 H Amdt 403 Foreign Abortion Ban Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (240 - 181)
6/02 H Amdt 406 Transportation Security Administration Appropriations Amendment Adopted - House (219 - 204)
7/24 H Amdt 413 Prohibits the National Security Agency from Collecting Records Under the PATRIOT Act Amendment Rejected - House (205 - 217)
6/13 H Amdt 414 Prohibits Use of Funds in Contravention of the War Powers Resolution Amendment Adopted - House (248 - 163)
2/03 H Amdt 427 Fiscal 1994 Disaster Relief Funding Amendment Rejected - House (207 - 211)
9/18 H Amdt 463 Amends the Definition of "Strategic and Critical Minerals" Amendment Rejected - House (187 - 241)
7/19 H Amdt 464 Obstetric Fistula Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (223 - 205)
9/18 H Amdt 466 Requires Mine Operators to Include the Cost of Cleanup in Financial Insurance Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 235)
6/28 H Amdt 477 Abortion Funding Ban Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (243 - 187)
5/07 H Amdt 529 Elimination of Funds for Seawolf Submarines and Other Programs Amendment Rejected - House (150 - 266)
5/23 H Amdt 570 Ending Requirement for Selective Service Registration Amendment Rejected - House (125 - 273)
5/23 H Amdt 570 Ending Requirement for Selective Service Registration Amendment Rejected - House (125 - 273)
6/09 H Amdt 574 U.S. Policy on Haiti Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 226)
6/09 H Amdt 574 U.S. Policy on Haiti Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 226)
5/24 H Amdt 575 U.S. Policy on Haiti Substitute Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 236)
5/24 H Amdt 575 U.S. Policy on Haiti Substitute Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 236)
6/09 H Amdt 611 Lifting Arms Embargo on Bosnia Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (244 - 178)
6/09 H Amdt 611 Lifting Arms Embargo on Bosnia Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (244 - 178)
5/19 H Amdt 62 Citizens/Legal Residents Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (288 - 127)
5/20 H Amdt 643 Abortion Private Funding Restoration Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (190 - 232)
5/27 H Amdt 661 Removing Funding for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's Alternate Engine Program Amendment Rejected - House (193 - 231)
5/21 H Amdt 669 Amends Intercontinental-Range Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) Laws Amendment Adopted - House (222 - 196)
5/22 H Amdt 671 Prohibits Funds from Being Used for Certain Climate Change Reports Amendment Adopted - House (231 - 192)
5/27 H Amdt 672 Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" After Military Review and Certification Amendment Adopted - House (234 - 194)
5/22 H Amdt 675 Prohibits Funds from Being Used for Guantanmo Bay Operations Amendment Rejected - House (177 - 247)
5/22 H Amdt 676 Repeals Indefinite Military Detention Provisions Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 230)
5/22 H Amdt 679 Prohibits Funds from Being Used to Implement the New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 191)
5/22 H Amdt 679 Prohibits Funds from Being Used to Implement the New START Treaty Amendment Adopted - House (233 - 191)
5/22 H Amdt 680 Repeals Military Force Authorization Amendment Rejected - House (191 - 233)
5/22 H Amdt 69 Requires Threat Assessment of Pipeline Vulnerabilities to a Terrorist Attack Amendment Rejected - House (176 - 239)
2/17 H Amdt 69 Reducing Federal Funding of the US Institute of Peace Amendment Adopted - House (268 - 163)
2/17 H Amdt 69 Reducing Federal Funding of the US Institute of Peace Amendment Adopted - House (268 - 163)
5/17 H Amdt 714 Continued Deployment of Forces in Kosovo Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (264 - 153)
5/18 H Amdt 722 Oversea Military Abortions Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (195 - 221)
5/18 H Amdt 723 School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (204 - 214)
5/18 H Amdt 723 School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (204 - 214)
8/02 H Amdt 734 Prescription Drug Imports Amendment Rejected - House (146 - 283)
5/30 H Amdt 738 Authorizes Funds to be Used for Guantanamo Bay Operations Amendment Rejected - House (169 - 230)
5/22 H Amdt 75 Requires All Oil and Refined Fuels Transported Through the Keystone XL Pipeline to be Used Only in The United States Amendment Rejected - House (162 - 255)
9/07 H Amdt 752 Overseas Military Abortions Amendment Adopted - House (226 - 191)
7/19 H Amdt 759 Intelligence Spending Disclosure Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (194 - 221)
7/22 H Amdt 778 Prohibiting Benefits to Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Adopted - House (220 - 176)
6/04 H Amdt 84 Authorizes Funds for the Construction of United States Prison for Prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Amendment Rejected - House (170 - 254)
6/19 H Amdt 901 Prohibits Transfer of Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Yemen Amendment Adopted - House (238 - 179)
6/19 H Amdt 905 Prohibits Transfer of Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Any Foreign Country Amendment Adopted - House (230 - 184)
9/17 H Amdt 907 US Army School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (201 - 212)
9/17 H Amdt 907 US Army School of the Americas Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (201 - 212)
6/19 H Amdt 907 Repeals Prohibition on Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfers and Facility Construction Amendment Rejected - House (163 - 249)
6/19 H Amdt 908 Prohibits United States Combat Operations in Iraq Amendment Rejected - House (165 - 250)
6/19 H Amdt 912 Prohibits Funds from Being Used Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 Amendment Rejected - House (182 - 231)
6/19 H Amdt 917 Prohibits United States from Providing Weapons in Syria Amendment Rejected - House (167 - 244)
2/18 H Amdt 92 Prohibiting the Use of Federal Funds for NASCAR Sponsorships Amendment Rejected - House (148 - 281)
6/19 H Amdt 935 Prohibits a Federal Employee from Requesting Foreign Intelligence Information in Relation to a US Citizen Amendment Adopted - House (293 - 123)
3/20 H Amdt 968 Immigrant Public Assistance Amendment Amendment Rejected - House (151 - 269)
3/20 H Amdt 969 Denying Public Education to Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Adopted - House (257 - 163)
3/20 H Amdt 974 Immigrant English Proficiency Amendment Amendment Adopted - House (210 - 207)
7/13 H Amdt 982 Debt Relief Funding amendment Amendment Adopted - House (216 - 211)
7/13 H Amdt 983 HIV/AIDS Funding amendment Amendment Adopted - House (267 - 156)
7/13 H Amdt 997 Family Planning Assistance Funding amendment Amendment Rejected - House (206 - 221)
4/19 H Amendment Resident Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants Amendment Rejected - House (61 - 71)
3/05 HB 07 Establishes a Legal Defense Fund for Businesses Bill Passed - House (83 - 31)
5/28 HB 1 2011-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - House (97 - 53)
5/30 HB 1 Prohibits Foreign Nationals from Contributing Money Directly or Indirectly to State Ballot Initiatives Bill Passed - House (63 - 31)
11/24 HB 1 Appropriates $330 Million in Coronavirus Relief Bill Passed - House (56 - 14)
11/17 HB 1 Prohibits Private Employers from Imposing COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates Bill Passed - House (78 - 39)
4/03 HB 1 2011-2013 Budget Bill Passed - House (98 - 49)
1/09 HB 10 Protects Businesses from Civil Lawsuits Arising from COVID-19 Bill Passed - House (75 - 21)
3/03 HB 1001 Amends COVID-19 Immunization and Vaccine Requirements Concurrence Vote Passed - House (78 - 10)
1/08 HB 1012 Requires the Military Department Develop an Extreme Weather Response Grant Program Bill Passed - House (68 - 30)
