Key Votes


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Vote Smart provides easy access to congressional and state voting records and maintains a collection of key votes grouped by issue. Vote Smart uses the following criteria to select key votes:

  1. The vote should be helpful in portraying how a member stands on a particular issue
  2. The vote should be clear for any person to understand
  3. The vote has received media attention
  4. The vote was passed or defeated by a very close margin
  5. Occasionally, if a specific bill is consistently inquired about on the Voter's Research Hotline, the vote will be added

Vote Smart provides a summary of the version of the bill text associated with each selected key vote. Our summaries are written by Vote Smart's staff and interns, who adhere to our strict policies and procedures in order to guarantee absolute impartiality and accuracy. They do not necessarily reflect the content of the final version of the bill, but rather the version voted on in that stage. While many procedural votes take place before a full chamber vote, our voting stages reflect the final reading of each chamber vote. Each key vote selection is reviewed by the project's community of advisors, who are political scientists and journalists from all fifty states.

For more information about the legislative process, see here.

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results per page:
Date State Bill No. Title Outcome
April 30, 2009 AL HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Veto Override Passed - House (54 - 19)
May 14, 2009 AL HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Veto Override Passed - Senate (18 - 11)
March 20, 2007 AL HJR 29 State Legislature Pay Increase Veto Override Passed - House (57 - 41)
March 20, 2007 AL HJR 29 State Legislature Pay Increase Veto Override Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
April 6, 2006 AL SA 85045-1 to HB 135 Food Sales and Use Tax Reduction Amendment Amendment Adopted - Senate (16 - 11)
April 18, 2006 AL SB 446 Eminent Domain Conference Report Rejected - House (54 - 25)
March 29, 2006 AL Executive Amendment 84452-1 to HB 272 Educational Funds Amendment Nonconcurrence Vote Passed - House (63 - 38)
April 21, 2009 AL HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Concurrence Vote Passed - House (49 - 23)
May 1, 2008 AL HB 787 State Employees in Public Office Bill Passed - House (57 - 36)
April 21, 2009 AL HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Bill Passed - Senate (17 - 9)
April 24, 2007 AL SJR 54 Expressing Regret For Slavery Resolution Passed - Senate (22 - 7)
Aug. 14, 2009 AL HB 13 Authorizes an Occupational Tax for Jefferson County Bill Passed - Senate (12 - 9)
April 23, 2009 AL HB 533 Hate Crime Law Expansion Bill Passed - House (46 - 41)
March 14, 2006 AL SB 352 Smoking Ban Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 7)
Feb. 23, 2006 AL SB 31 Alcohol Tax Bill Failed - Senate (11 - 14)
April 30, 2009 AL SB 373 Deregulation of Landline Phone Service Rates Bill Passed - House (67 - 24)
April 9, 2009 AL SB 373 Deregulation of Landline Phone Service Rates Bill Passed - Senate (19 - 8)
April 5, 2006 AL HB 51 Presidential Primary Date Bill Passed - House (79 - 14)
March 3, 2009 AL SB 279 Funding for Road Construction Bill Failed - Senate (19 - 11)
Aug. 12, 2009 AL HB 13 Authorizes an Occupational Tax for Jefferson County Bill Passed - House (17 - 15)
April 15, 2008 AL HB 274 Food Sales Tax Repeal Bill Passed - House (63 - 38)
May 2, 2007 AL HB 507 Sunday Liquor Sales Bill Passed - House (59 - 28)
Feb. 26, 2008 AL HB 73 Prohibiting Money Transfers Between Political Action Committees Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 14)
March 4, 2008 AL HB 196 Relaxing Alcohol Sales Restrictions Bill Passed - House (48 - 42)
May 6, 2008 AL HB 829 Hate Crime Legislation Regarding Victim's Sexual Orientation Bill Passed - House (46 - 44)
May 24, 2007 AL HB 112 Gill Net Fishing Ban Bill Passed - House (74 - 21)
April 6, 2006 AL SB 446 Eminent Domain Bill Passed - House (94 - 3)
March 29, 2006 AL SB 446 Eminent Domain Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 7)
June 9, 2011 AL HB 123 Education Appropriations for 2011-2012 Veto Override Passed - House (78 - 21)
May 10, 2012 AL HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Veto Override Passed - Senate (23 - 8)
March 4, 2010 AL HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Fund Allocation Modification Veto Override Passed - Senate (19 - 10)
Feb. 28, 2013 AL HB 84 Authorizes Schools to Apply for Waivers from State Laws Conference Report Adopted - Senate (22 - 11)
April 7, 2022 AL HB 123 Requires Mental Health Service Coordinators in Schools Conference Report Adopted - Senate (26 - 0)
May 8, 2012 AL HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Veto Override Passed - House (71 - 21)
March 4, 2010 AL HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Fund Allocation Modification Veto Override Passed - House (56 - 21)
May 20, 2013 AL SB 445 Repeals Limits on Campaign Financing Conference Report Adopted - Senate (27 - 4)
June 2, 2011 AL HB 56 Immigration Enforcement Conference Report Adopted - Senate (25 - 7)
June 9, 2011 AL HB 414 Increasing Retirement Contributions for Public Employees Conference Report Adopted - Senate (19 - 12)
June 2, 2011 AL SB 484 2011 Congressional Redistricting Conference Report Adopted - House (57 - 45)
May 16, 2012 AL HB 433 2012-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - Senate (29 - 6)
April 21, 2010 AL SB 162 PACT Funding and Tuition Restrictions Conference Report Adopted - House (85 - 7)
June 3, 2015 AL SB 71 Increases Cumulative Cap on Tax Credits Available for Scholarship Donations Conference Report Adopted - Senate (18 - 14)
April 21, 2010 AL SB 121 Highway Construction Appropriations from the Alabama Trust Fund Conference Report Adopted - Senate (25 - 8)
April 30, 2024 AL HB 151 Authorizes a State Lottery and Certain Types of Electronic Gaming Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
May 30, 2019 AL HB 225 Prohibits Pay Discrimination Based on Sex and Race Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (27 - 0)
June 2, 2011 AL HB 56 Immigration Enforcement Conference Report Adopted - House (67 - 29)
May 16, 2012 AL HB 433 2012-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - House (77 - 28)
June 2, 2011 AL SB 484 2011 Congressional Redistricting Conference Report Adopted - Senate (16 - 15)
April 21, 2010 AL SB 162 PACT Funding and Tuition Restrictions Conference Report Adopted - Senate (28 - 3)
April 21, 2010 AL SB 121 Highway Construction Appropriations from the Alabama Trust Fund Conference Report Adopted - House (86 - 13)
June 2, 2011 AL HB 414 Increasing Retirement Contributions for Public Employees Conference Report Adopted - House (51 - 48)
April 16, 2024 AL HB 152 Establishes the Alabama Gambling Commission and Alabama Lottery Corporation Conference Report Adopted - Senate (22 - 11)
Sept. 15, 2015 AL HB 3 Increases Cigarette Taxes Concurrence Vote Passed - House (52 - 42)
March 29, 2022 AL HB 17 Authorizes Deploying Wiretaps for Drug Related Offenses Concurrence Vote Passed - House (84 - 7)
April 27, 2021 AL HB 538 Limits the Time Frame for Receiving Absentee Ballot Applications Concurrence Vote Passed - House (81 - 12)
May 18, 2020 AL SB 161 Appropriates CARES Act Funds to the State Government for the COVID-19 Pandemic Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (30 - 1)
May 9, 2013 AL HB 658 Amends The School "Accountability Act" Concurrence Vote Passed - House (61 - 41)
May 9, 2020 AL HB 187 Appropriates Funds for the Fiscal Year 2021 Education Budget Concurrence Vote Passed - House (73 - 1)
April 5, 2022 AL HB 395 Authorizes Alcoholic Beverages at Hospitality Management Programs at State Universities Concurrence Vote Passed - House (80 - 11)
April 30, 2024 AL HB 152 Establishes the Alabama Gambling Commission and Alabama Lottery Corporation Concurrence Vote Passed - House (70 - 29)
March 31, 2022 AL HB 134 Reduces the Minimum Age Teachers May Collect Retirement Benefits Concurrence Vote Passed - House (100 - 1)
March 18, 2015 AL SB 45 Authorizes Public Charter Schools Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (24 - 11)
Sept. 16, 2015 AL HB 1 2015-2016 Budget Concurrence Vote Passed - House (70 - 21)
April 7, 2022 AL SB 313 Prohibits the Use of Public Funds for Ballot Initiatives Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (25 - 0)
April 2, 2013 AL HB 57 Establishes Requirements for Medical Care at Abortion Clinics Concurrence Vote Passed - House (68 - 21)
April 15, 2021 AL HB 391 Prohibits Transgender Athletes from Playing on Sports Teams that do not Match their Birth Sex Concurrence Vote Passed - House (76 - 13)
May 28, 2019 AL HB 361 Authorizes Sports Betting Concurrence Vote Passed - House (82 - 16)
April 30, 2024 AL HB 151 Authorizes a State Lottery and Certain Types of Electronic Gaming Concurrence Vote Passed - House (72 - 29)
Feb. 17, 2022 AL HB 231 Exempts Certain Tax Credits from the Calculation of Income Tax Deductions Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
Feb. 17, 2022 AL HB 82 Establishes the Small Business Relief and Revitalization Act of 2022 Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
Feb. 16, 2010 AL HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Payment Allocation Modification Concurrence Vote Passed - House (52 - 26)
April 21, 2010 AL HB 105 Required Physical Education Concurrence Vote Passed - House (72 - 7)
April 7, 2022 AL SB 2 Prohibits Enforcement of Certain Federal Gun Policies Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (23 - 5)
May 16, 2012 AL HB 658 Amends Immigration Regulations Concurrence Vote Passed - House (67 - 37)
May 1, 2012 AL HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Concurrence Vote Passed - House (58 - 36)
April 28, 2016 AL SB 287 Appropriates Funds for New Prison Facilities Bill Passed - House (52 - 33)
March 31, 2022 AL HB 135 Appropriates $23 Billion for the State Education Budget Bill Passed - Senate (32 - 0)
Sept. 16, 2015 AL HB 1 2015-2016 Budget Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 9)
March 12, 2020 AL HB 186 Appropriates Funds for COVID-19 Coronavirus Response Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
April 1, 2021 AL HB 103 Prohibits the Government Selecting Which Entities Can Remain Open During COVID-19 Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 6)
March 28, 2018 AL HB 317 Exempts Certain Individuals from Registering as Lobbyists Bill Passed - Senate (15 - 14)
April 2, 2013 AL HB 57 Establishes Requirements for Medical Care at Abortion Clinics Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 10)
April 15, 2021 AL HB 391 Prohibits Transgender Athletes from Playing on Sports Teams that do not Match their Birth Sex Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 5)
April 6, 2022 AL HB 458 Amends the Constitutional Requirements for Selling Public Property for Private Economic Development Bill Passed - Senate (33 - 0)
May 6, 2021 AL SB 46 Authorizes the Legalization and Regulation of Medical Marijuana Bill Passed - House (68 - 34)
May 16, 2017 AL SB 187 Reduces Time to File Appeals for Death Row Inmates Bill Passed - House (74 - 26)
May 6, 2021 AL HB 246 Authorizes Public Schools to Teach Yoga Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 7)
May 2, 2013 AL SB 286 Amends Firearm Regulations Bill Passed - House (74 - 27)
April 22, 2021 AL HB 538 Limits the Time Frame for Receiving Absentee Ballot Applications Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 5)
Sept. 15, 2015 AL HB 3 Increases Cigarette Taxes Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 13)
May 9, 2013 AL HB 658 Amends The School "Accountability Act" Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 12)
March 15, 2022 AL HB 17 Authorizes Deploying Wiretaps for Drug Related Offenses Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 1)
April 3, 2014 AL HB 494 Amends Requirements for Minors Who Seek an Abortion Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 5)
March 29, 2022 AL SB 171 Establishes a State Math Initiative to Boost Test Scores Bill Passed - House (76 - 24)
May 28, 2019 AL HB 361 Authorizes Sports Betting Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 8)
April 2, 2014 AL SB 115 Amends Job Application Requirements for Welfare Recipients Bill Passed - House (70 - 33)
March 18, 2015 AL SB 45 Authorizes Public Charter Schools Bill Passed - House (58 - 41)
March 15, 2016 AL SB 125 2016-2017 Budget Bill Passed - House (65 - 35)
May 28, 2015 AL SB 71 Increases Cumulative Cap on Tax Credits Available for Scholarship Donations Bill Passed - House (68 - 26)
June 4, 2015 AL HB 135 2015-2016 Budget Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 13)
Date No. Title Outcome
4/30 HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Veto Override Passed - House (54 - 19)
5/14 HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Veto Override Passed - Senate (18 - 11)
3/20 HJR 29 State Legislature Pay Increase Veto Override Passed - House (57 - 41)
3/20 HJR 29 State Legislature Pay Increase Veto Override Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
4/06 SA 85045-1 to HB 135 Food Sales and Use Tax Reduction Amendment Amendment Adopted - Senate (16 - 11)
4/18 SB 446 Eminent Domain Conference Report Rejected - House (54 - 25)
3/29 Executive Amendment 84452-1 to HB 272 Educational Funds Amendment Nonconcurrence Vote Passed - House (63 - 38)
4/21 HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Concurrence Vote Passed - House (49 - 23)
5/01 HB 787 State Employees in Public Office Bill Passed - House (57 - 36)
4/21 HB 175 Permitting Elections in Smaller Municipalities on Allowing Alcohol Bill Passed - Senate (17 - 9)
4/24 SJR 54 Expressing Regret For Slavery Resolution Passed - Senate (22 - 7)
8/14 HB 13 Authorizes an Occupational Tax for Jefferson County Bill Passed - Senate (12 - 9)
4/23 HB 533 Hate Crime Law Expansion Bill Passed - House (46 - 41)
3/14 SB 352 Smoking Ban Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 7)
2/23 SB 31 Alcohol Tax Bill Failed - Senate (11 - 14)
4/30 SB 373 Deregulation of Landline Phone Service Rates Bill Passed - House (67 - 24)
4/09 SB 373 Deregulation of Landline Phone Service Rates Bill Passed - Senate (19 - 8)
4/05 HB 51 Presidential Primary Date Bill Passed - House (79 - 14)
3/03 SB 279 Funding for Road Construction Bill Failed - Senate (19 - 11)
8/12 HB 13 Authorizes an Occupational Tax for Jefferson County Bill Passed - House (17 - 15)
4/15 HB 274 Food Sales Tax Repeal Bill Passed - House (63 - 38)
5/02 HB 507 Sunday Liquor Sales Bill Passed - House (59 - 28)
2/26 HB 73 Prohibiting Money Transfers Between Political Action Committees Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 14)
3/04 HB 196 Relaxing Alcohol Sales Restrictions Bill Passed - House (48 - 42)
5/06 HB 829 Hate Crime Legislation Regarding Victim's Sexual Orientation Bill Passed - House (46 - 44)
5/24 HB 112 Gill Net Fishing Ban Bill Passed - House (74 - 21)
4/06 SB 446 Eminent Domain Bill Passed - House (94 - 3)
3/29 SB 446 Eminent Domain Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 7)
6/09 HB 123 Education Appropriations for 2011-2012 Veto Override Passed - House (78 - 21)
5/10 HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Veto Override Passed - Senate (23 - 8)
3/04 HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Fund Allocation Modification Veto Override Passed - Senate (19 - 10)
2/28 HB 84 Authorizes Schools to Apply for Waivers from State Laws Conference Report Adopted - Senate (22 - 11)
4/07 HB 123 Requires Mental Health Service Coordinators in Schools Conference Report Adopted - Senate (26 - 0)
5/08 HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Veto Override Passed - House (71 - 21)
3/04 HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Fund Allocation Modification Veto Override Passed - House (56 - 21)
5/20 SB 445 Repeals Limits on Campaign Financing Conference Report Adopted - Senate (27 - 4)
6/02 HB 56 Immigration Enforcement Conference Report Adopted - Senate (25 - 7)
6/09 HB 414 Increasing Retirement Contributions for Public Employees Conference Report Adopted - Senate (19 - 12)
6/02 SB 484 2011 Congressional Redistricting Conference Report Adopted - House (57 - 45)
5/16 HB 433 2012-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - Senate (29 - 6)
4/21 SB 162 PACT Funding and Tuition Restrictions Conference Report Adopted - House (85 - 7)
6/03 SB 71 Increases Cumulative Cap on Tax Credits Available for Scholarship Donations Conference Report Adopted - Senate (18 - 14)
4/21 SB 121 Highway Construction Appropriations from the Alabama Trust Fund Conference Report Adopted - Senate (25 - 8)
4/30 HB 151 Authorizes a State Lottery and Certain Types of Electronic Gaming Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (20 - 15)
5/30 HB 225 Prohibits Pay Discrimination Based on Sex and Race Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (27 - 0)
6/02 HB 56 Immigration Enforcement Conference Report Adopted - House (67 - 29)
5/16 HB 433 2012-2013 Budget Conference Report Adopted - House (77 - 28)
6/02 SB 484 2011 Congressional Redistricting Conference Report Adopted - Senate (16 - 15)
4/21 SB 162 PACT Funding and Tuition Restrictions Conference Report Adopted - Senate (28 - 3)
4/21 SB 121 Highway Construction Appropriations from the Alabama Trust Fund Conference Report Adopted - House (86 - 13)
6/02 HB 414 Increasing Retirement Contributions for Public Employees Conference Report Adopted - House (51 - 48)
4/16 HB 152 Establishes the Alabama Gambling Commission and Alabama Lottery Corporation Conference Report Adopted - Senate (22 - 11)
9/15 HB 3 Increases Cigarette Taxes Concurrence Vote Passed - House (52 - 42)
3/29 HB 17 Authorizes Deploying Wiretaps for Drug Related Offenses Concurrence Vote Passed - House (84 - 7)
4/27 HB 538 Limits the Time Frame for Receiving Absentee Ballot Applications Concurrence Vote Passed - House (81 - 12)
5/18 SB 161 Appropriates CARES Act Funds to the State Government for the COVID-19 Pandemic Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (30 - 1)
5/09 HB 658 Amends The School "Accountability Act" Concurrence Vote Passed - House (61 - 41)
5/09 HB 187 Appropriates Funds for the Fiscal Year 2021 Education Budget Concurrence Vote Passed - House (73 - 1)
4/05 HB 395 Authorizes Alcoholic Beverages at Hospitality Management Programs at State Universities Concurrence Vote Passed - House (80 - 11)
4/30 HB 152 Establishes the Alabama Gambling Commission and Alabama Lottery Corporation Concurrence Vote Passed - House (70 - 29)
3/31 HB 134 Reduces the Minimum Age Teachers May Collect Retirement Benefits Concurrence Vote Passed - House (100 - 1)
3/18 SB 45 Authorizes Public Charter Schools Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (24 - 11)
9/16 HB 1 2015-2016 Budget Concurrence Vote Passed - House (70 - 21)
4/07 SB 313 Prohibits the Use of Public Funds for Ballot Initiatives Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (25 - 0)
4/02 HB 57 Establishes Requirements for Medical Care at Abortion Clinics Concurrence Vote Passed - House (68 - 21)
4/15 HB 391 Prohibits Transgender Athletes from Playing on Sports Teams that do not Match their Birth Sex Concurrence Vote Passed - House (76 - 13)
5/28 HB 361 Authorizes Sports Betting Concurrence Vote Passed - House (82 - 16)
4/30 HB 151 Authorizes a State Lottery and Certain Types of Electronic Gaming Concurrence Vote Passed - House (72 - 29)
2/17 HB 231 Exempts Certain Tax Credits from the Calculation of Income Tax Deductions Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
2/17 HB 82 Establishes the Small Business Relief and Revitalization Act of 2022 Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
2/16 HB 44 Tennessee Valley Authority Payment Allocation Modification Concurrence Vote Passed - House (52 - 26)
4/21 HB 105 Required Physical Education Concurrence Vote Passed - House (72 - 7)
4/07 SB 2 Prohibits Enforcement of Certain Federal Gun Policies Concurrence Vote Passed - Senate (23 - 5)
5/16 HB 658 Amends Immigration Regulations Concurrence Vote Passed - House (67 - 37)
5/01 HB 360 Requires Schools to Have a Longer Summer Vacation Concurrence Vote Passed - House (58 - 36)
4/28 SB 287 Appropriates Funds for New Prison Facilities Bill Passed - House (52 - 33)
3/31 HB 135 Appropriates $23 Billion for the State Education Budget Bill Passed - Senate (32 - 0)
9/16 HB 1 2015-2016 Budget Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 9)
3/12 HB 186 Appropriates Funds for COVID-19 Coronavirus Response Bill Passed - Senate (29 - 0)
4/01 HB 103 Prohibits the Government Selecting Which Entities Can Remain Open During COVID-19 Bill Passed - Senate (26 - 6)
3/28 HB 317 Exempts Certain Individuals from Registering as Lobbyists Bill Passed - Senate (15 - 14)
4/02 HB 57 Establishes Requirements for Medical Care at Abortion Clinics Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 10)
4/15 HB 391 Prohibits Transgender Athletes from Playing on Sports Teams that do not Match their Birth Sex Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 5)
4/06 HB 458 Amends the Constitutional Requirements for Selling Public Property for Private Economic Development Bill Passed - Senate (33 - 0)
5/06 SB 46 Authorizes the Legalization and Regulation of Medical Marijuana Bill Passed - House (68 - 34)
5/16 SB 187 Reduces Time to File Appeals for Death Row Inmates Bill Passed - House (74 - 26)
5/06 HB 246 Authorizes Public Schools to Teach Yoga Bill Passed - Senate (23 - 7)
5/02 SB 286 Amends Firearm Regulations Bill Passed - House (74 - 27)
4/22 HB 538 Limits the Time Frame for Receiving Absentee Ballot Applications Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 5)
9/15 HB 3 Increases Cigarette Taxes Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 13)
5/09 HB 658 Amends The School "Accountability Act" Bill Passed - Senate (21 - 12)
3/15 HB 17 Authorizes Deploying Wiretaps for Drug Related Offenses Bill Passed - Senate (25 - 1)
4/03 HB 494 Amends Requirements for Minors Who Seek an Abortion Bill Passed - Senate (28 - 5)
3/29 SB 171 Establishes a State Math Initiative to Boost Test Scores Bill Passed - House (76 - 24)
5/28 HB 361 Authorizes Sports Betting Bill Passed - Senate (22 - 8)
4/02 SB 115 Amends Job Application Requirements for Welfare Recipients Bill Passed - House (70 - 33)
3/18 SB 45 Authorizes Public Charter Schools Bill Passed - House (58 - 41)
3/15 SB 125 2016-2017 Budget Bill Passed - House (65 - 35)
5/28 SB 71 Increases Cumulative Cap on Tax Credits Available for Scholarship Donations Bill Passed - House (68 - 26)
6/04 HB 135 2015-2016 Budget Bill Passed - Senate (20 - 13)

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