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Liz Cheney's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2022.

  • Rated 100% by National Right to Life Committee (
  • "The Hyde Amendment has saved nearly 2.5 million lives and has had overwhelming, bipartisan support for decades. Now it’s under attack by the far-left in Congress. We must protect the sanctity of life and safeguard taxpayer dollars from funding abortions. #HydeSavesLives" (
  • "We have a moral obligation to stand up & fight to defend the most vulnerable among us. Efforts by Dems to codify the horrific act of abortion into law is shameful & out of step with the majority of Americans. I am proudly pro-life & oppose any efforts to justify abortion." (
  • "We must fight every day for the most vulnerable among us, which is why I joined my Republican colleagues in the House to introduce the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act." (
  • Rated 78% by National Tax Limitation Committee (
  • "Thanks to GOP-led tax reform, middle-class families & small businesses are keeping more of their hard-earned money. While Democrats work to increase taxes, we will keep fighting on behalf of the American people who know how to spend their money better than gov’t does" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1 "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" (
  • "Liz cosponsored the Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act to repeal provisions of Obamacare that provided for the Independent Payment Advisory Board that cut Medicare payments to insurance providers" (
  • Rated 0% by Alliance for Retired Americans (
  • Rated 10% by Alliance for Retired Americans (
  • "I am grateful to all law enforcement professionals who dedicate themselves to their communities to keep us safe each and every day. Thank you for your service! #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay" (
  • "I had a productive meeting with Byron Oedekoven, the Executive Director of the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, to discuss efforts to ensure that the brave men and women in law enforcement have the resources necessary to keep our communities safe." (
  • "Our military needs at least 3-5% real growth annually in order to rebuild from years of inadequate funding and to ensure we can compete with Russia and the Chinese Communist Party, which is responsible for the spread of the devastating coronavirus pandemic our nation faces today. It is critical that we identify the threats our nation currently faces AND counter them with a strong defense." (
  • "Since coming to Congress, Liz has helped secure the passage of several National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA’s) that ensure that our brave men and women in uniform have the resources they need to keep us safe. These NDAA’s contained pay raises for our troops, support for our military families, and many other measures that are critical to the national defense of our nation and that would have a direct impact on Wyoming, such as full funding for our ICBMs. Rebuilding our military is critical to American security." (
  • Voted in favor of S 1605 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022" (
  • "House Democrats' $1.7 trillion bill is filled with reckless new spending, tax hikes, and Green New Deal-style programs.This will radically expand the federal government's size, scope & influence — while undermining our individual freedoms in the process." (
  • "Inflation is forcing families in Wyoming and across the country to pay more. We can’t get inflation under control so long as out-of-control government spending continues." (
  • "Surging prices and a four-decade high 8.5% inflation is a burden on hardworking families in Wyoming and across the nation. We cannot continue down this path of reckless, out-of-control government spending." (
  • Rated 78% by National Tax Limitation Committee (
  • "Taxes, spending and our debt have exploded under President Obama. To get Wyoming's economy growing again and to get our people back to work, we need to rein in government spending, reduce taxes and get government out of the way so our private sector can flourish." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1 "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 266 "Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act" (
  • "We know that small businesses are the backbone of the economy, small businesses provide paychecks for families all across our state and across the country. The Democrats don't want to just do what's right, which is to say, "Okay, we're going to go ahead and just move an increase in funding for that part of the program.' Instead they want to add additional funds for other items, which at this point we need to move quickly to get this part of the program funded. They shouldn't be holding it up." (
  • "My kids will miss their teachers this summer, but not the mind-bending math of Common Core! #StopCommonCore" (
  • Rated 0% by National Education Association (
  • "The Constitution reserves power over education to the states. Common Core is a federal intrusion into our schools. #StopCommonCore" (
  • "We should reject Common Core and restore authority for educating our kids to where it belongs -- with parents and teachers in our local communities." (
  • "Cosponsored American Energy First Act, this legislation will expand domestic energy production on federal lands, streamline the federal permitting process, create well-paying jobs for American citizens, and lead to lower energy prices for consumers, all while generating billions of dollars for federal, state and local governments." (
  • "Cosponsored the Keystone XL Construction and Jobs Act which authorizes KXL pipeline (including border facilities) and declares that a presidential permit is not required." (
  • "Today we are living through something altogether different – we are seeing an assault from Washington on our nation’s vital fossil fuels industry. With no regard for our economy, our security, or our livelihoods, the Biden/Harris Administration is determined to kill the fossil fuel industry at any cost." (
  • "Wyoming has always been a national leader in domestic energy production, but Green New Deal regulations threaten to hamstring our producers and stifle economic growth in our communities. If left unchecked, we will once again experience the devastating effects of Obama-era regulations that crippled our economy, hurt every community in Wyoming, and put thousands of our neighbors out of work. The security of our state and nation relies on low-cost, sustainable, domestic energy production and Liz will ensure that Wyoming continues to lead the way." (
  • "Cosponsored the Keystone XL Construction and Jobs Act which authorizes KXL pipeline (including border facilities) and declares that a presidential permit is not required." (
  • Rated 5% by League of Conservation Voters (
  • "Today we are living through something altogether different – we are seeing an assault from Washington on our nation’s vital fossil fuels industry. With no regard for our economy, our security, or our livelihoods, the Biden/Harris Administration is determined to kill the fossil fuel industry at any cost." (
  • "Wyoming has always been a national leader in domestic energy production, but Green New Deal regulations threaten to hamstring our producers and stifle economic growth in our communities. If left unchecked, we will once again experience the devastating effects of Obama-era regulations that crippled our economy, hurt every community in Wyoming, and put thousands of our neighbors out of work. The security of our state and nation relies on low-cost, sustainable, domestic energy production and Liz will ensure that Wyoming continues to lead the way." (
  • "As a gun owner herself, she’s a proud co-sponsor of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which protects law-abiding gun owners and ensures their concealed carry licenses are recognized across state lines." (
  • "Liz has consistently been endorsed and supported by pro-gun advocates such as the NRA and the Shooting Sports Foundation and will continue to support gun owners from across the state. She will always push back against “universal background checks”, “red flag laws” that do not respect due process, and “assault rifle” bans." (
  • "Opposed the Enhanced Background Checks Act and the Universal Background Checks Act this Congress, which criminalized law-abiding citizens who wish to transfer a firearm to a family member or friend. In addition, these bills would have prevented domestic abuse victims from acquiring a firearm to protect themselves, leaving them vulnerable to their abusers." (
  • Rated 92% by National Rifle Association (
  • "Congress must fulfill our duty to end the devastation created by Obamacare. Built on Obama lies, ACA is a disaster that must be stopped." (
  • "I will fight to repeal Obamacare, cut taxes & repeal out of control regulations in support Wyoming ranchers, farmers & small business owners" (
  • "This meaningless resolution put forward by Democrats fails to offer any new solutions to the problems created by the mess that is Obamacare." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 6201 "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" (
  • "I'm proud to stand with the President today in upholding his veto and remain committed to working with him to build the wall, secure the border, and keep our country safe." (
  • "It is time to build the wall, secure our borders, support our law enforcement, and keep dangerous criminals off our streets." (
  • "Refusing to secure the border — with supplies that are ready and paid for — as staggering numbers of illegal immigrants are crossing our border is unacceptable. We must secure our border." (
  • "Tonight, Republicans in the House voted to provide the funding necessary to secure our border, including by building a border wall." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "Cosponsored Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019, which authorizes assistance and weapons transfers to Israel and extends defense cooperation with Jordan. It establishes additional sanctions related to the conflict in Syria, and allows states to divest from entities boycotting Israel." (
  • "It is critical that we identify the threats our nation currently faces AND counter them with a strong defense." (
  • "Today's global threat environment is more serious and complex than at any time since World War II. Our security requires that we resource, develop and deploy the systems necessary to deter and, if necessary, defeat our adversaries. This includes modernizing all three legs of our nuclear triad and closing the alarming deterrence gap with Russia by deploying low-yield nuclear weapons, as called for in the Nuclear Posture Review." (
  • "We must increase our maximum pressure campaign on Iran and fully enforce our existing sanctions to stop their dangerous nuclear advancements." (
  • "I am praying for our U.S. service-members and their families. Today’s horrific attack is a devastating reminder that the threat from terrorists in Afghanistan remains an ongoing concern for America and the world." (
  • "I support tonight’s military strikes ordered by President Trump to deter further use of chemical weapons by the evil Assad regime. Our prayers go with our courageous men and women in uniform, and our allies, as they carry out this vital national security mission." (
  • "President Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal handed the country to the Taliban and their terrorist allies and has made America less safe." (
  • "The American homeland is endangered when Afghanistan is used as a safe haven for terrorism. We saw the consequences of prematurely withdrawing troops from Iraq under President Obama and we cannot make that mistake in Afghanistan. We don't win wars by leaving. That is why I'm proud to be a lead co-sponsor on the Ensuring a Secure Afghanistan Act. The Islamic State is conducting active operations in Afghanistan and is estimated to have thousands of militants there. Meanwhile, al Qaeda has maintained its strong relationship with the Taliban. Afghan forces continue to sustain great casualties in their struggle against the Taliban, even with U.S. assistance. Considering the conditions on the ground, U.S. troops must continue the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan in support of their ultimate mission: keeping America safe." (
  • "The imposition of tariffs on uncoated groundwood paper and the increased costs resulting from these tariffs may threaten their existence. Thus, we urge the Commission to take into account the devastating effects these tariffs could have on these small businesses and the communities they serve." (
  • "USMCA would put American workers on an even playing field, accelerate job growth, and stimulate the economy both in Wyoming and across the country." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 5430 "United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act" (

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