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Lloyd Smucker's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (PA) - District 11

Date Title
04/11/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Rep. Ralph Norman Leads 125 U.S. House Members in Letter to President Biden Concerning Anti-Life Provisions in the FY23 Budget Proposal
01/20/2022 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Rogers, Colleagues Express Outrage Over Taxpayer Dollars Being Used to Buy Made-In-China Masks
11/04/2021 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and the Hon. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader - Upton, House Republicans Request Full and Transparent Appraisal of Democrats' Partisan Spending Package
12/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader, the Hon. Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, and the Hon. Steve Scalise, Minority Whip - Underwood Stands up For Illinois Small Businesses Devastated by The Coronavirus Pandemic
12/09/2020 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader; and Hon. Steve Scalise, House Minority Whip - Congressman Tim Ryan Presses Congressional Leadership to Ensure Small Businesses with PPP Loans Remain Eligible for Tax Deductions
06/04/2020 Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Minority Leader Schumer - Concern Over Extending Supplemental Unemployment Insurance
05/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of The Department of Health and Human Services - Cartwright Leads Effort to Keep Seniors in Assisted Living Communities Safe During COVID-19 Pandemic
04/29/2020 Letter to Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Honorable Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader; Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader; Honorable Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Congressman Gonzalez Leads Bipartisan Letter to Reform Pharmacy DIR Fees
02/05/2020 Letter to the Hon. Seema Verma, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Guthrie, Cárdenas, Blumenauer, Kelly Lead Bipartisan Effort to Secure Medicare Advantage
11/21/2019 Letter to the Hon. Richard Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Nita Lowey, Chairwoman of the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Hon. Kay Granger, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations - Van Hollen, Sarbanes Lead Bicameral Letter Urging House and Senate Conference Negotiators to Include Increased Funds for Chesapeake Bay Program
10/08/2019 Letter to Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture - Representative Houlahan Leads Bipartisan Effort to Protect Pennsylvanian Crops from Spotted Lanternfly
05/24/2019 Letter to the Hon. Seema Verma, Administrator of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Burgess Urges CMS Action on Physician-Owned Hospitals
02/07/2019 Letter to the Hon. Seema Verma, Administrator of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Guthrie Leads Effort to Protect Medicare Program
01/23/2019 Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Chuck Schumer - Seasonal Worker Relief in Funding Agreement
01/15/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Lawmakers Urge the President to Veto Any Appropriations Bill that Weakens Current Pro-Life Protections
03/16/2018 Letter to the Hon. Tom Cole, Chairman of the Subcommittee on labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies and the Hon. Rosa Delauro, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - Welch Leads Bipartisan Coalition Calling for Full Funding of Heating Assistance Program
03/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. John Culberson, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies and the Hon. Jose Serrano, Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies - Increased Funding to Boost School Security and Support Local Law Enforcement
03/01/2018 Letter to the Honorable Rodney P. Frelinghuysen and the Honorable Nita Lowey, Committee on Appropriations Chairman and Ranking Member, and the Honorable Tom Cole and Rosa DeLauro, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education - Increased Research Funding
02/05/2018 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - Support of COPS Office in FY2019 Budget
10/24/2017 Letter to the Hon. John McCain, the Hon. Jack Reed, the Hon. Mac Thornberry, and the Hon. Adam Smith - Support for Medical Research Program
10/05/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the Hon. Nita Lowrey, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, the Hon. Tom Cole, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, and the Hon. Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - Murphy Leads Bipartisan Effort in Congress to Help Florida and Other States Educate Students Displaced by Recent Hurricanes
05/18/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Managament and Budget - Urging Administration to Protect Funding to Fight Opioid Epidemic
04/17/2017 Letter to Mr. Edward C. Hugler, Acting Secretary of Labor - Delay Implementation of Fiduciary Rule