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Shaun Donovan's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
12/03/2016 From Crisis to Opportunity: Building a Brighter Future for Detroit through Federal-Local Teamwork
03/09/2016 Blog: Putting Infrastructure Dollars Back to Work
09/22/2015 Blog: Accelerating America's Infrastructure Projects
09/22/2015 The White House Office of Management and Budget, Council on Environmental Quality, Department of Transportation join Federal Agencies in Commitment to Expediting Permitting and Environmental Review for Federal Infrastructure ProjecJ
12/17/2014 OMB Director Shaun Donovan on the Passage of H.R. 83, Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015
12/09/2014 U.S. Department of Transportation Eliminates $1.7 Billion Annual Paperwork Burden for U.S. Trucking Industry
12/02/2014 "It's Not Just a Ferguson Problem, It's an American Problem" -- Improving Community Policing
08/20/2014 Skyrocketing Fire Costs
03/14/2014 HUD Provides Additional $199 Million to Help Colorado Recover from 2013 Storms and Flooding
02/06/2014 Remarks of Secretary Shaun Donovan at the National Association of Home Builders' Board of Directors Meeting
12/03/2013 HUD Secretary Donovan Releases Statement on the Rockefeller Foundation's Selection of 33 Resilient Cities
11/13/2013 Blog: Learning the True Costs of Living in a Community
11/12/2013 HUD Secretary Donovan and DOT Secretary Foxx Unveil Tool to Provide U.S. Renters and Homeowners with New Housing and Transportation Calculator
11/01/2013 Statement from HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan on the Creation of the State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience
10/29/2013 The HUDdle - Hurricane Sandy: One Year Later
10/28/2013 DeLauro, Gov. Malloy: State to Receive Additional $65 Million for Superstorm Sandy Recovery Efforts
08/29/2013 The HUDdle - Eight Years After Hurricane Katrina: The Obama Administration's Commitment to Rebuilding Better
08/19/2013 Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Releases Rebuilding Strategy
08/19/2013 Blog: Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy: Helping Communities Prepare for the Impacts of a Changing Climate
04/29/2013 Secretary Donovan And Governor Christie Announce Approval of New Jersey's Disaster Recovery Plan
04/26/2013 Secretary Donovan And Governor Cuomo Announce Approval of New York State's Disaster Recovery Plan
12/13/2012 Prepared Remarks of Secretary Shaun Donovan at "Emerging Stronger: Planning and Building A Post-Sandy Future"
12/05/2012 Written Testimony of Shaun Donovan Secretary, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Homeland Security of the Senate Committee on Appropriations
07/20/2012 HUD Secretary Announces Disaster Assistance for New Jersey Storm Victims
06/29/2012 Senior Administration Officials Lead White House Forum on Sustainable Communities

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