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Terry McAuliffe's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

Date Title
12/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Gov. Hickenlooper Joins Bipartisan Group of 12 Governors Calling for Congress to Reauthorize the Children's Health Insurance Program
12/11/2017 Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services to Notify CHIP Recipients of Potential Loss of Benefits Due to Congressional Inaction
10/25/2017 Letter to the Virginia Congressional Delegation - Immediately Reauthorize CHIP
10/05/2017 Federal Funding for Children''s Health Insurance Program in Virginia Set to Expire unless Congress Acts
09/05/2017 Governor McAuliffe Statement on President Trump's DACA Announcement
08/30/2017 "We Are With DREAMers" Joint Statement
06/05/2017 Governor McAuliffe Announces USDA Grant Aimed at Improving Summer Food Security
10/20/2016 Governor McAuliffe Announces Contracts Awarded for Treatment Services and Juvenile Correction Center Alternatives
08/04/2016 Governor McAuliffe Announces Mixed Delivery Preschool Grants
03/08/2016 Governor McAuliffe Vetoes Bill Permitting Sale of High-Proof Grain Spirits
09/22/2015 First Lady of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe, Celebrates $8.8 Million Grant to End Childhood Hunger in Southwest Virginia
08/24/2015 Governor McAuliffe Launches Governor's Council on Youth Entrepreneurship
07/29/2015 Governor McAuliffe Kicks off Back-to-School FAMIS Enrollment Campaign
07/08/2015 First Lady of Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe and No Kid Hungry Celebrate Feed and Read in Roanoke VA
07/01/2015 Governor McAuliffe's Signature 2015 Agenda Items Take Effect Today
06/11/2015 Governor McAuliffe Releases Annual Report from Children's Cabinet and Recommendations of Commonwealth Council on Childhood Success
03/09/2015 Governor McAuliffe Announces School Divisions in Southwest Virginia and Richmond to Benefit from Grant to Fight Childhood Hunger
03/02/2015 Governor McAuliffe Announces $8.8 Million Grant to End Child Hunger in Virginia
10/17/2014 Governor Terry McAuliffe, First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe And Fitness Icon Jake Steinfeld Team Up To Celebrate A Future of Fitness For Three Virginia Schools
09/26/2014 Governor McAuliffe Announces Increase in Summer Meals Feeding Sites for 2014
09/08/2014 A Healthy Virginia
09/03/2014 Three Virginia Schools Recognized for Outstanding Innovation in Physical Fitness
08/11/2014 Governor McAuliffe Announces Creation of Children's Cabinet and the Commonwealth Council on Childhood Success
04/02/2014 Virginia Partners with National Foundation for Governors' Fitness Councils to Bring Multi-Million Dollar Youth Fitness Campaign to Virginia