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Tim Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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Date Title
02/15/2023 Republican Leaders of Banking, Finance Committees Introduce Bill to Block IRS Surveillance, Protect American Taxpayers
09/13/2022 Scott, Finance Committee Republicans Introduce Bill to Protect Middle Class, Small Businesses from Supersized IRS
04/28/2022 Scott, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Provide Tax Relief for Auto Dealers
04/11/2022 Van Hollen, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Reforming Opportunity Zones
10/22/2021 Blunt, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Democrats' IRS Snooping Proposal
10/22/2021 Rubio, Scott, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Democrats' IRS Snooping Proposal
07/21/2021 Scott, Manchin Reintroduce Legislation to Increase Access to Credit and Opportunity
03/16/2021 Scott, Colleagues Introduce State Fiscal Flexibility Act
03/10/2021 Senator Scott, Colleagues Lead Push to Incentivize Charitable Giving
03/09/2021 Lankford, Coons Continue to Lead Push to Incentivize Charitable Giving
02/05/2021 Senator Scott Fights Job-Killing Artificial Minimum Wage Hike
02/04/2021 Senate to Vote on Rubio-Scott-Lankford Amendment to Prevent Tax Hikes on Small Businesses During the Pandemic
01/29/2021 Sen. Coons, colleagues reintroduce tax credit to encourage revitalization of distressed homes
12/11/2020 PASSED: Senator Scott's PAID Act Reforming Medicare Provision
06/22/2020 Lankford Leads Bipartisan Group to Introduce Bill Expanding Federal Tax Deduction for Charitable Giving
06/19/2020 Scott, Brown, Wyden, Grassley Introduce Legislation to Help Nonprofits
05/26/2020 Reviews Are In: Skills Renewal Act is a Win
05/08/2019 Senator Doug Jones, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Fix Unintended Tax Hike on Gold Star Families
12/12/2018 Thune, Scott Applaud President's Decision to Direct Federal Agencies to Boost Opportunity Zones in Distressed Communities
04/25/2018 Republicans Report on New Tax Law's Benefits at Finance Committee Hearing
02/09/2018 Scott's Investing in Opportunity Act Takes Step Forward
01/31/2018 POTUS: "Our Massive Tax Cuts Provide Tremendous Relief for the Middle Class and Small Business"
12/20/2017 Scott on Final Passage of Tax Reform: "Big Win for Middle Class Families, U.S. Economy"
11/17/2017 Senate Tax Reform to Include Bipartisan Investing in Opportunity Act
11/17/2017 Bipartisan Investing in Opportunity Act Passes Out of Finance Committee

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