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Kamala Harris' Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for Vice President

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Date Title
08/16/2022 Tweet - "Not a single Republican in Congress voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. Not one voted to lower the cost of prescription drugs, reduce health insurance premiums, make investments to address the climate crisis, or require the wealthiest corporations to pay their fair share."
06/16/2022 Tweet - "Not one Republican in the U.S. Senate voted to: Rescue our nation in the middle of a pandemic. Protect women and keep their health decisions private. Protect our most fundamental right: the right to vote."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "For 50 years, @TheBlackCaucus has fought to ensure that every American has equal opportunity--and a voice in our democracy. Congratulations on this milestone. You truly are the conscience of Congress."
09/15/2021 Tweet - "This year alone, 18 states have passed 30 anti-voter laws. These laws disproportionately impact communities of color--and are designed to make it harder for people to vote. The Senate must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act."
09/14/2021 Tweet - "POTUS and I applaud the senators who came together to write the Freedom to Vote Act and we support this legislation. We must do everything we can to protect the fundamental right to vote."
08/25/2021 Tweet - "Now that the House has passed John Lewis' namesake legislation, the Senate must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, making it the law of the land and protecting voters across the country."
08/17/2021 Tweet - "Today, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act was introduced in the House. It will provide @TheJusticeDept the tools it needs to protect voters against racial discrimination in voting. It is time for Congress to pass this bill and the For the People Act."
08/10/2021 Tweet - "We moved one step closer to making a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure. Today, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans in the United States Senate passed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act."
08/10/2021 Tweet - "Today is a historic day. Senate Democrats and Republicans came together to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. It will put people to work in good-paying jobs expanding broadband to every community, fixing lead pipes, building electric school buses, and more."
06/22/2021 Tweet - "Our democracy is stronger when everyone participates--and it is weaker when people are denied meaningful access to participation. Today, as Senate Democrats united around the For The People Act, Senate Republicans voted against advancing it. My Statement:"
04/22/2021 Tweet - "I applaud the Senate for passing, with bipartisan support, Senator @MazieHirono 's COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to address the surge in anti-Asian hate crimes. It's time for the House to move quickly to pass this bill so that we can help #StopAsianHate"
04/20/2021 Tweet - "The Senate should pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to hold law enforcement everywhere to the highest standards of accountability and help build trust between law enforcement and our communities."
04/16/2021 Tweet - "Our nation grieves with the families who lost loved ones in Indianapolis and we pray that those who were wounded recover quickly. As I said last week, we've had more tragedy than we can bear and solutions to prevent gun violence exist. @POTUS and I urge Congress to act."
04/15/2021 Tweet - "The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus has lifted up Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and fought for all Americans, for nearly 30 years. @POTUS and I met with CAPAC members to discuss COVID-19, the rise in anti-Asian hate, and building a better future."
03/13/2021 Tweet - "Today, I #SayHerName. Breonna Taylor. Her life and her dreams were needlessly cut short. @POTUS and I will continue to push for police reform. We're committed to working with Congress to get it done."
03/08/2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan will save our economy. It aids our small businesses, creates millions of jobs, and extends unemployment assistance for millions of Americans. @POTUS and I urge the House to act quickly to get it passed."
03/07/2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan will create 7 million jobs, cut child poverty in half, and make health care more affordable. It's simple: this plan will save our economy and it will save lives. The House should move quickly to get it passed."
03/06/2021 Tweet - "Thank you to the Senators who voted to pass the American Rescue Plan. Your vote gets us a step closer to giving millions of Americans the relief they need and deserve. We look forward to seeing the bill pass in the House and get to @POTUS ' desk for signature. Help is on the way."
03/05/2021 Tweet - ". @POTUS and I urge the Senate to pass the American Rescue Plan. It will: - Send $1,400 checks to those who need it most - Create a national vaccination program - Extend unemployment assistance - Help small businesses - Safely reopen schools - Get Americans back to work"
03/04/2021 Tweet - "Last night, the House voted to pass H.R. 1. @POTUS and I look forward to working with Congress to strengthen our democracy and protect the voting rights of all Americans."
02/26/2021 Tweet - "The House has voted to pass the American Rescue Plan. This is a critical step towards getting relief to those who need it, getting people vaccinated, getting kids back to school, and getting Americans back to work. The Senate should take quick action to move the bill forward."
02/25/2021 Tweet - "The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act represents an important step towards ensuring more accountability and transparency in policing. I join @POTUS in encouraging Congress to pass this legislation and get it to the President's desk."
02/22/2021 Tweet - "There's a hunger crisis in our country, and it's impacting children. This shouldn't happen to any child or family. Congress needs to pass the American Rescue Plan, which addresses the hunger crisis and gets relief to those Americans who need it."
02/16/2021 Tweet - "People in this country are hurting right now -- especially women. About 2.5 million women have lost their jobs or dropped out of the workforce during the pandemic. The American Rescue Plan addresses these urgent challenges. It's time for Congress to act."
02/15/2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan will make vaccines free and accessible for everyone. We can't afford to wait. Congress needs to pass the American Rescue Plan."

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