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Joni Ernst's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
12/21/2021 Ernst Helps Lead Bipartisan Effort to Support Ukraine Against Russian Military Aggression
12/15/2021 Ernst Secures Critical Measures in Annual Defense Bill to Prevent Military Sexual Assault, Create Global War on Terrorism Memorial
08/30/2021 Ernst: "America left our own behind."
01/14/2021 Making "Em Squeal: Ernst Ushers Two Government Transparency Measures Into Law
06/18/2020 Ernst Improves Military Technologies, Fights to Strengthen Supply Chain in Annual Defense Bill
06/15/2020 Ernst: Taxpayers Win in the "War on Waste' in Annual Defense Bill
03/05/2020 Following Armed Services Hearing on the Pensacola Naval Station Attack, Chairman Ernst Takes Action to Reform, Improve Foreign Military Student Programs
02/12/2020 Ernst Continues to Work Across the Aisle to Protect Troops from Traumatic Brain Injury
01/28/2020 Following Reports of 30+ Traumatic Brain Injuries of US Servicemembers in Iraq, Senator Ernst Presses the Pentagon for Answers
01/24/2020 Support Grows for Ernst's Female Body Armor Bill
01/10/2020 Ernst Praises U.S. Servicemembers and Intelligence Personnel for Successful Mission to Kill Brutal Terrorist Soleimani
01/08/2020 Ernst on President Trump's Maximum Pressure Campaign Against the Iranian Regime
01/08/2020 Combat Veteran Joni Ernst Commends Trump for Decisive Action, Calls for US to Remain Vigilant Against Iran
01/02/2020 Ernst Statement on Death of Iranian Military Leader Qassem Soleimani
12/17/2019 Senate Passes Portman, Heinrich, Ernst, and Schatz Amendment on Explainable Artificial Intelligence Included in NDAA Conference Report
12/17/2019 Annual Defense Bill Advances with Ernst's Support and Priorities Included
12/04/2019 Female Combat Veteran, Senator Ernst, Pushes for Proper-Fitting Body Armor, Protective Equipment for Female Servicemembers
11/27/2019 Ahead of Thanksgiving, Ernst Visits Troops--Including Iowans--in Kuwait and Afghanistan
11/25/2019 With Threats of Biological Warfare on the Rise, Chairman Ernst Holds Hearing Examining America's Defenses
11/05/2019 Ernst Blasts Democrats for Blocking Military Funding
10/30/2019 A Combat Veteran, Senator Ernst Discusses Emerging Threats and U.S. Military Strength
10/27/2019 Ernst Statement on President Trump's Announcement of the Death of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi
10/14/2019 Ernst Statement on Turkey's Actions in Northern Syria
09/17/2019 Ernst: Forget Area 51--Waste at the Pentagon is Out of This World
08/28/2019 On Taxpayers' Dime, Pentagon Buys Chinese Computers Vulnerable to Hacking

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