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Tom Cotton's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

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Date Title
08/06/2022 Cotton Amendment Trades DHS "Green" Funding for ICE Detention
03/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security - Risch, Crapo, Colleagues Raise Crime-Related Concerns with Administration's De-prioritization of Immigration
11/02/2021 Blackburn, Kennedy, Judiciary GOP Oppose Biden Plan To Pay Illegal Immigrants With Taxpayer Dollars
07/13/2021 Sen. Cruz Introduces SHIELD Act to Preserve Title 42 Expulsions of Illegal Immigrants
04/22/2021 Blackburn, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Report Illegal Alien Attempts to Purchase Firearms
04/22/2021 Kustoff Introduces Bill to Restrict Chinese Nationals from Exploiting U.S. Research and Technology
04/21/2021 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Report Illegal Alien Attempts to Purchase Firearms
04/12/2021 Cotton Introduces Bill to Make States that Send Cash to Illegal Aliens Ineligible for Federal Funds
04/01/2021 Cotton Introduces Bill to Solve the Border Crisis
03/09/2021 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Bill Imposing Sanctions on Drug Cartels
02/25/2021 Portman, Romney, Cotton, Capito, Collins Introduce Bill to Raise Minimum Wage, Protect Jobs for Legal Workers
02/25/2021 Cotton, Romney, Capito, Collins, Portman Introduce Bill to Raise Minimum Wage, Protect Jobs for Legal Workers
02/25/2021 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Bill to End China's Access to Multi-Year Visas
02/23/2021 Cotton, Romney Bill to Raise Minimum Wage, Stop Employment of Illegal Immigrants
02/18/2021 Cotton Condemns the Biden Amnesty Plan
02/11/2021 Cotton, Colleagues Warn President Biden of Immigration Crisis, Health Risks
02/04/2021 Cotton, Young Introduce Amendment to Prohibit Stimulus Checks for Illegal Immigrants
02/04/2021 Rubio, Cramer, Cotton, Blackburn, Cruz Reintroduce FDIC Act to Combat Banks' Political Attacks on Federal Contractors
02/04/2021 Senate Passes Cotton, Young Amendment to Prohibit Stimulus Checks for Illegal Immigrants
02/04/2021 Cotton Statement on Biden Decision to Increase Refugee Cap
02/02/2021 Cotton Statement on Immigration Executive Orders
01/28/2021 Senators Reintroduce Bill to Help Businesses Comply with Worker Eligibility Laws
01/28/2021 As Biden Administration Rolls Back Immigration Enforcement, Ernst, Grassley, Colleagues Reintroduce "Sarah's Law' Ahead of the Fifth Anniversary of Sarah Root's Death
05/28/2020 Rep. Ken Buck Introduces "No Bailouts for Illegal Aliens Act" in the House

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