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Mia Love's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

Date Title
04/17/2018 Tax Day 2018: A Reason to Celebrate
01/23/2018 Relief From Burdensome Medical Device Tax Passed At Love's Urging
01/11/2018 Rep. Love: Medical Device Tax is a Job Killer
01/01/2018 Issue Position: Taxes
12/19/2017 Rep. Love Votes for Final Passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
11/28/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, the Hon. Paul Ryan, the Hon. Orrin Hatch, the Hon. Kevin Brady - Protect Municipal Financing in Final Tax Legislation
11/16/2017 Rep. Love Applauds Passage of 'Tax Cuts and Jobs Act'
11/03/2017 Statement on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Introduced in the House
06/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Kevin Brady, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, and the Hon. Richard Neal, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Ways and Means - Fix the Highway Trust Fund
03/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Kevin Brady and to the Hon. Richard Neal, Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Ways and Means - Supporting the Tax-Exempt-Municipal Bond
09/28/2016 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan and the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker and Democratic Leader, United States House of Representatives - Supporting the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program
03/22/2016 Letter to Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Betty McCollum of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Fully Fund the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program
01/01/2016 Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy
04/21/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House - Research and Development Tax Credits
03/24/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader - Funding for Payment in Lieu of Taxes
10/16/2014 Blog: Mia Responds to Attacks with Solutions
07/28/2014 Blog: America's Ridiculously High Corporate Tax Rate
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Taxes