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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
10/06/2023 Senator Warren Reintroduces Youth Voting Rights Act to Empower Young People, Expand Access to Ballot Box
06/27/2023 Warren, Senators Call on HHS Secretary Becerra to Deliver on Commitment to Expanding Voting Access
05/19/2022 ICYMI: Warren, Klobuchar, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Election Administration
02/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States, Murphy, Blumenthal, Klobuchar, Colleagues Urge President Biden to Prioritize Funding to Improve Election Administration in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
07/01/2021 Senators File Brief Urging Restoration Of Judicial Oversight Of Deadlocked, Ineffective Fec
03/31/2021 Van Hollen, Whitehouse, Colleagues Sound Alarm Over Scotus Case Threatening Constitutional Protection for Dark Money
03/18/2021 Bennet, Senate Democratic Colleagues Introduce For the People Act to Strengthen Democracy and Fight Corruption
12/18/2020 Jayapal and Warren Reintroduce the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act
05/15/2019 Harris, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Require States to Secure Elections
12/07/2018 Following Washington Post Report, Senators Reiterate Calls for Full Disclosure of Trump-Saudi Business Ties
10/03/2018 Udall, Senate Democrats Introduce Native American Voting Rights Act
10/03/2018 Warren, Udall, Colleagues Unveil Native American Voting Rights Act
06/12/2018 Senators Murray, Wyden, Gillibrand, Markey, Merkley, and Warren Introduce Bill to Secure Elections
11/15/2016 Warren to President-Elect Trump: You Are Already Breaking Promises by Appointing Slew of Special Interests, Wall Street Elites, and Insiders to Transition Team