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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
09/06/2023 Senator Warren and Representative Sherman Reintroduce the Nationwide Right to Unionize Act, Repealing "Right-to-Work" Laws and Empowering Workers to Fight for Better Wages, Conditions
08/01/2023 Senator Warren, Massachusetts Delegation Urge Biden Administration to Streamline Work Authorizations for New Arrivals Paroled into the United States
07/28/2023 Senator Warren, Representative Cohen Reintroduce Equal Employment for All Act
06/28/2023 Warren, Brown Open Investigation into 23 Companies' Overtime Avoidance Practices and Possible Wage Theft
05/04/2023 Warren, Markey Moulton Demand Answers Following Explosion at Newburyport Pharmaceutical Chemical Plant
05/02/2023 ICMYI: On International Workers' Day, Senators Warren, Rosen, Representative Williams Reintroduced Sunlight in Workplace Harassment Act
04/19/2023 Senators Warren, Blumenthal and Representatives Jayapal, Kuster, Omar, Beyer and Dozens of Lawmakers Support FTC Proposed Rule to Limit Noncompete Agreements
10/04/2022 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, Mellody Hobson, Chair of the Starbucks Board of Directors - Markey, Warren, Sanders, Blumenthal Blast Starbucks for Brazen, Illegal Union-busting Campaign
06/02/2022 Warren, Bush, Booker, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Blast Amazon for Proposed Worker Chat App that Reportedly Blocks Discussions about Work Conditions and Unionization Efforts
05/11/2022 Warren, Bush, Ocasio-Cortez Blast Amazon's "Wholly Inadequate Safety Culture" Reflected in Lackluster Responses to Questions about Edwardsville Warehouse Collapse
03/03/2022 Sen. Smith, Rep. Underwood Introduce New Legislation to Expand FMLA Coverage, Strengthen Worker Protections
04/29/2021 At Dignity of Work Hearing, Warren Calls on Congress to Pass Her Schedules That Work Act to Improve Conditions for Low-Wage Workers
06/16/2020 At Banking Hearing Warren Questions Fed Chair Powell on Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Economic Recovery
06/10/2020 Senators Markey and Warren Call for Assistance for Massachusetts Clean Energy Industry, Workforce in Next Corornavirus Relief Package
05/21/2020 Warren Joins Warner, Sanders, Jones and Blumenthal to Introduce Paycheck Security Act to Keep Millions of Workers on Payrolls During Pandemic
05/20/2020 Menendez, Colleagues Blast JetBlue, Delta for Accepting Federal CARES Act Bailout Funds and Then Cutting Employees' Hours, Paychecks
05/14/2020 Warren, Levin, Merkley, Smith Introduce Legislation for a National Contact Tracing Program
05/13/2020 Warren, DeLauro Introduce Legislation to Protect Workers' Rights Amid COVID-19 Crisis
11/20/2018 Warren Applauds Toys "R" Us Workers for Successfully Organizing to Recoup Severance Pay
06/25/2018 Harris Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Labor Protections for Farm Workers
04/26/2018 Warren, Murphy, Wyden Introduce Bill to Ban Unnecessary & Harmful Non-Compete Agreements
03/22/2018 Warren Requests Hearing, Demands Answers from Labor Secretary and OMB Director on Buried Analysis of Tipping Rule
02/27/2018 Warren, Rosen Unveil Bicameral Legislation to End Secrecy in Workplace Harassment Settlements
12/19/2017 Warren and Brown Statement on Anti-Worker NLRB Rulings
11/15/2017 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Breastfeeding Protections at Work

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