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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
11/04/2021 Tweet - "Democrats are the party of lowering drug prices. Expanding health care. Ensuring universal child care and pre-k. Fighting climate change. Getting big corporations to pay a fair share. Republicans are the party of no, no, no. If Democrats deliver, voters will remember."
11/03/2021 Tweet - "The American people want to see us increase child care, expand health care, tackle the climate crisis head on, and get the rich and powerful to finally pay their fair share. We cannot miss this opportunity."
07/07/2021 Tweet - "Look: Getting anything big done in Washington is like rolling a rock up a hill. When it comes to climate change, or child care, Republicans keep kicking the rock back down. But I'm hopeful, because Democrats have the American people on our side--and we're going up that hill."
07/06/2021 Tweet - "We can resurface our highways--but we can't ignore the fact that climate change means a bunch of them will be underwater every time it rains hard. Infrastructure in the 21st century means real investments in green energy, climate resilience, and saving our planet."
06/29/2021 Tweet - "The climate crisis is already upon us. We must tackle it head on with a #GreenNewDeal to transform our economy and save our planet."
07/20/2019 Tweet - "Fifty years ago today, our country put Americans on the moon. At first it seemed impossible, but we got it done because our government made bold investments in science, innovation, and American workers."
07/16/2019 Tweet - "Toxic chemicals are contaminating communities in New Hampshire and throughout our country--and Donald Trump's corrupt EPA isn't moving fast enough to help. Enough. We need real action now to clean up contamination and keep our communities safe."
06/27/2019 Tweet - "We can make the #GreenNewDeal a reality and lead the global effort to combat climate change. My Green Manufacturing Plan would invest $2 trillion in green research and manufacturing and create more than a million good jobs here at home. #DemDebate2"
06/05/2019 Tweet - "Last year, Hurricane Florence tore through NC. Hurricane Michael ripped through FL. And floods put Plains states like NE underwater. It will cost US taxpayers billions of dollars just to repair three bases because of those storms. #climatecosts"