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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
01/08/2024 Warren, Markey Announce Federal Funding for New Electric School Buses in Massachusetts
03/01/2022 EPA Issues Final Permit Decision Requiring GE to Clean Up Housatonic River
12/01/2021 Senators Markey, Warren and Congressman Keating Statement on EPA Region 1 Announcement of Sole Source Aquifer Review Process Including Public Participation for Proposed Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range Project at Joint Base Cape Cod
11/18/2021 Senators Markey and Warren Applaud Senate Committee Passage of Bills to Reauthorize the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission and Essex National Heritage Area
09/10/2020 Senator Warren Releases Statement on CFTC Report Concluding that "Climate Change Poses a Major Risk to the Stability of the Financial System"
09/10/2020 Rep. Omar Co-Leads Comprehensive "THRIVE Agenda" to Address COVID-19, Climate Change, Racial Injustice, and Economic Crises
04/16/2020 Massachusetts Lawmakers Announce Over $1 Million in Federal Funding to Address Environmental and Economic Challenges on Cape Cod
03/04/2020 Cardin, Barrasso Lead Senate Recognition of US-Australian Firefighting Cooperation
02/10/2020 Senator Warren's Statement on the Housatonic River Agreement
12/20/2019 Massachusetts delegation unveil bill to help communities in Massachusetts and around the country struggling with water infrastructure costs
11/20/2019 Schatz Introduces New Legislation to Ensure U.S. Financial System is Prepared for Climate Change
09/16/2019 Senator Warren Questions Navy's Decision to Terminate Its Climate Change Task Force
09/04/2019 CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall with Sen. Elizabeth Warren
08/23/2019 Mass. Congressional Delegation Announces $41 Million Grant to Modernize Rail Infrastructure at South Station
08/20/2019 Senator Warren Statement on NOAA Settlement with Carlos Rafael
07/24/2019 Booker Reintroduces Sweeping Environmental Justice Bill
07/10/2019 Van Hollen, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Require Every Public Company to Disclose Climate-Related Risks
06/19/2019 Senator Warren Responds to the Trump Administration's Inadequate Replacement for the Obama-era Clean Power Plan
06/11/2019 GAO Agrees to Investigate Federal Disaster Aid Programs' Impact on Inequality
05/15/2019 Warren, Escobar Announce Legislation to Require Dept. of Defense to Adapt to Climate Change Threat
04/30/2019 Reed & Warren: GAO Agrees to Investigate National Security Threats Posed by Climate Change to Pentagon Contractors and Defense Supply Chain
02/08/2019 Hirono, Markey, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Green New Deal Resolution
02/05/2019 Representatives Trahan and Kuster, and Senators Markey, Warren, Shaheen, and Hassan Introduce Legislation to Protect Nashua River and its Tributaries
06/13/2018 Markey, Moulton, Warren Announce $6 Million Federal Grant for Gloucester Harbor and the Annisquam
03/28/2017 Senators push back on Trump's reopening of Coal Leasing on Public Lands reintroduce "Keep it in the Ground" Act

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