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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
07/20/2022 Warner & Kaine Join Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care Funding
06/03/2020 Murray, Warren, Smith, Gillibrand, Casey Introduce $50 Billion Bill to Address Child Care Crisis
03/21/2020 Senators Warren, Smith, Casey, Hirono, Kaine & Booker Urge Senate Leaders to Support Child Care in Coronavirus Stimulus Package
03/16/2020 Van Hollen, Casey, Colleagues Press Trump Administration on Needs of Children and Early Care Providers During Coronavirus Pandemic
09/04/2019 Senator Markey Blasts FTC YouTube Children's Privacy Settlement: FTC Stands for 'Forgetting Teens and Children'
08/30/2019 Senator Markey Statement on Reported FTC Settlement with Google over YouTube COPPA Violations
06/20/2019 Warren Leads 39 Senators in Reintroducing Refund Equality Act to Provide Equal Tax Treatment for Married Same-Sex Couples
06/18/2019 Senator Warren and Congresswoman Haaland Unveil New Legislation to Provide Universal Child Care and Early Learning to All Families
05/15/2019 Warren and Ernst Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Assist Family Caregivers
05/06/2019 Sen. Warren and Rep. Grijalva Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Address the Lack of Funding for Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention in Indian Country
02/20/2019 Duckworth, Daines, Warren Introduce Bipartisan Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act
10/29/2018 Wyden, Durbin, Murray & Colleagues Urge FDA to Protect Kids from Tobacco Use and Addiction
06/08/2018 As Reports Increase Of Border Patrol Agents Tearing Children Away From Their Parents, Gillibrand Introduces Legislation With 31 Senate Colleagues To Halt Separation Of Immigrant Families
11/14/2017 Senate Passes Bill Requiring U.S. Amateur Athletic Organizations, Members to Report Sexual Abuse
06/20/2017 Sens. Warner, Hatch, Warren & Rubio, Reps. Price & Byrne Introduce Legislation Providing Relief for Borrowers of Joint Consolidation Student Loans
01/20/2015 Statement by Senator Warren on President Obama's State of the Union Address
09/21/2012 Warren Statement on Anniversary of the Defense of Marriage Act