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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
02/12/2024 Warren, Padilla, Senators Push Funding Increase for FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program
11/16/2023 Warren Joins Gillibrand, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Immigrant Children in Government Custody
09/21/2023 Senators Warren, Markey Applaud TPS Redesignation for Venezuelan Migrants
09/15/2022 Warren Statement on Ongoing Developments on Martha's Vineyard
05/20/2021 McGovern, Members of Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Statement on Biden Administration Decision to Terminate Immigration-Detention Agreements with Bristol County Sheriff's Office
03/22/2020 Warren Calls for Nationwide Closure of Immigration Courts Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
03/12/2020 Senators Warren and Markey Raise Concerns about the Justice Department's Handling of COVID-19 Prevention Efforts in Immigration Courts
03/05/2020 Warren, Colleagues Call on DHS to Halt Immigration Enforcement at Hospitals and Medical Facilities as Nation Braces for Coronavirus Outbreak
03/04/2020 Warren, Velázquez Sound Alarm Over Customs and Border Protection's Deficient Medical Directive for Screening and Delivery of Medical Care to Migrants
03/03/2020 Senators Warren, Merkley, and Harris Raise Concerns That DHS-Operated "Tent Courts" Violate Asylum Seekers' Due Process Rights
02/27/2020 Senator Warren Unveils Legislation to De-Fund President's Border Wall, Use Funds to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak
12/10/2019 Warren, Jayapal Raise Questions about Private Prison Company Executive's Multiple Stays at Trump Hotel While Seeking Favors from ICE
10/24/2019 Udall, Senate Democrats Introduce the Homeland Security Improvement Act
09/17/2019 Feinstein, Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's "Public Charge" Rule
08/08/2019 Udall, Warren, Harris, Blumenthal Release New Details of Expanded DHS Watchdog Probe of CBP Surveillance of Journalists, Activists, and Lawyers
07/31/2019 Menendez Leads Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Counter Profiling by Trump's Deportation Force
07/17/2019 Murphy, Blumenthal, colleagues introduce legislation to stop cruel and neglectful treatment of children at the border
07/12/2019 Cortez Masto joins legislation to block immigration enforcement at sensitive locations
07/11/2019 Menendez, Booker, Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Stop Cruel and Neglectful Treatment of Children at Border
06/29/2018 After Visit to Border, Warren Calls on HHS, DHS to Explain Process for Reuniting the Thousands of Families They Separated
06/22/2018 Booker, Senators Introduce Bill Targeting Family Detention, Inhumane Conditions of Immigration Detention Centers, Flawed Detention Processing System
06/08/2018 As Reports Increase Of Border Patrol Agents Tearing Children Away From Their Parents, Gillibrand Introduces Legislation With 31 Senate Colleagues To Halt Separation Of Immigrant Families
05/11/2018 Gillibrand Announces Legislation To Increase Transparency And Accountability For Border Patrol And Ice Agents
02/16/2017 Durbin & Duckworth Introduce Legislation Rescinding Trump's Mass Deportation Executive Order
01/05/2017 Schatz, Booker, Warren, Markey, Murray, Sanders, Leahy, Merkley, Hirono Introduce Legislation To Block Establishment Of Federal Religious Registry