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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Trade


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
09/07/2023 Warren, Castro, Torres, Goldman Call on Commerce Department to Address Troubling Increase of Assault Weapons Exports Approvals
08/10/2023 Senator Warren and Representative Jayapal Urge Biden Administration to Rein in Corporate Influence Over Trade Negotiations by Rebalancing the Trade Advisory Committee System
04/24/2023 Senator Warren, Lawmakers Reiterate Concern over Big Tech Pushing Digital Trade Rules that Conflict with Biden Competition Agenda and Pending Legislation
09/18/2018 Rubio, Van Hollen, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Enforce Commerce Deal with Chinese Telecom Firm ZTE
08/09/2018 Warren Investigation Forces Trump Administration to Reverse Tariff Exemption for U.S. Subsidiary of Sanctioned Russian Company
09/19/2017 Warren Urges U.S. Trade Rep to Remove ISDS Provisions During Next Round of NAFTA Negotiations
02/14/2017 Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Stop Terrorist Financiers
01/19/2017 in, Stabenow, Warren, Merkley and Markey Introduce Legislation to Withdraw from TPP
10/17/2016 Moulton, Massachusetts Delegation Protect Lobster Industry against Proposed Ban
05/19/2015 Senators Introduce Amendment to Prevent the Use of Fast Track to Gut Financial Reforms
05/19/2015 Senators Warren, Manchin Introduce Trade Transparency Act to Require Release of Trade Deal Text Before Congress Grants Fast Track Authority
05/18/2015 Senator Warren Releases Report Highlighting Decades of Broken Promises and Failures to Enforce Labor Standards in Trade Agreements
05/18/2015 Senators Warren, Heitkamp and Colleagues Introduce Amendment to Stop Allowing Companies to Challenge U.S. Laws Outside U.S. Courts
03/22/2013 Senator Elizabeth Warren Introduces Her First Senate Amendment