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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
09/14/2023 Warren, Blumenthal Seek Information on Military Electronic Health Record System Amid Concerns of Recruitment Delays and Privacy Violations
07/26/2023 Warren Questions DoD on Failures to Prevent Overpayments and Price Gouging in TRICARE Health Program
06/20/2023 Warren, Grassley Introduce New Bipartisan Bill Cracking Down on Retired Military Officers Working for Foreign Governments
09/07/2022 Hirono, Warren, Murray, Duckworth Applaud Landmark Abortion Access Measure for Veterans Amid Republican Attacks
06/08/2021 Portman, Kelly, Murkowski, Warren, Tester Introduce Legislation to let Children of Servicemembers Stay on Healthcare Until Age 26
05/19/2021 Portman, Warren, Introduce Military Retiree Survivor Comfort Act to Support Military Families
04/13/2021 Veterans Groups Applaud Return of POW/MIA Flag Above White House Following Bipartisan Call Led by Senators Hassan, Warren, Cotton
03/06/2021 Portman, Warren, Durbin, Van Hollen Introduce Legislation to Ensure Quality of Care for America's Homeless Veterans
11/08/2019 National POW/MIA Flag Act Signed into Law
11/05/2019 Warren, Murkowski, McSally, Tester, Harris, Sullivan, Gillibrand and Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Honor Women Veterans
10/31/2019 Senator Hirono Leads Bipartisan Resolution to Honor Filipino American History Month
07/26/2019 Warren, Shaheen, Murray Question Secretary of Veterans Affairs Over Contraceptive Access Among Veterans
03/26/2019 Warren Joins Bipartisan Group to Improve VA Outreach to Native American Veterans
12/10/2018 Murphy, Warren Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Honor Wwii Cadet Nurses
12/03/2018 Cotton, Warren Introduce National POW/MIA Flag Act
10/26/2018 Warren Applauds Women Veterans Peer Counseling Provisions Included in New Opioids Law
05/18/2018 Warren and Ernst Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Servicemember Blast Exposure Injury Prevention
05/11/2018 Sens. Tina Smith, Thom Tillis Lead Bipartisan Introduction of Bill to Support Health Care for "Atomic Veterans"
05/09/2018 Warren and Perdue Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Military Sexual Assault Treatment
04/11/2018 Senator Warren Applauds Passage of Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Military Retirees
02/20/2018 Congress Passes Bipartisan Cartwright-Warren Legislation to Protect Veterans from Financial Scams
02/08/2018 Senators Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Increase Number of VA Peer Counselors for Women Veterans
01/29/2018 Warren Applauds Women Veterans Peer Counseling Provisions Included in New Opioids Law
01/23/2018 Warren, Cruz Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Military Retirees
01/23/2018 Tillis & Warren Successfully Urge IRS to Protect Lower-Income Military Retirees from Losing Retirement Benefits

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