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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
02/08/2024 Durbin Leads 17 Senators In Urging President Biden To Act Swiftly To Close The Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility
06/02/2022 Letter to Thomas Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture - Senator Reverend Warnock, Colleagues to USDA: We Urge You to Act to Address Historic Discrimination Against Black Farmers
12/13/2021 Letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury and Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Menendez and Booker Join Coalition of Democratic Senators in Call to Ensure All Eligible New Jersey Same-Sex Couples Receive Pension Survivor Benefits
09/20/2021 Letter to the Hon. Lina Khan, Chair of the Federal Trade Commission - Markey Joins Blumenthal, Colleagues Call For Historic FTC Rulemaking On Consumer Privacy, Civil Rights & Cyber Security Safeguards
08/03/2021 Letter to Hon. Martin Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Brown, Padilla Urge Labor Department To Establish Federal Heat Standard To Protect Workers
03/31/2021 Letter to David Uejio, Acting Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues Urge Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council to Address Racial Disparities in Housing Appraisal Industry
03/12/2021 Letter to Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Chair of the Biden-Harris COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force - Duckworth, Booker Request Guidance from Biden-Harris Health Equity Task Force on Addressing Disparities in Covid-19 Vaccination Rates
02/24/2021 Letter to Honorable Antony Blinken, Secretary of State - Bennet, Hickenlooper Urge State Department to Press Saudi Arabia to Drop Charges against Coloradan, End Persecution Of Human Rights Advocates ahead of March 8 Trial
11/20/2020 Letter to US Comptroller General, Gene L. Dodaro - Pressley, Warren Ask Independent Watchdog to Investigate Racial Inequity in Pandemic Response
11/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jim Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and the Hon. Mac Thornberry, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee - Udall, Heinrich, Democratic Senators Urge Armed Services Leaders To Retain Bipartisan, Bicameral Measure To Rename Military Bases And Other Assets Honoring The Confederacy
09/10/2020 Letter to Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham - Schatz, Senators Demand Answers From Census Bureau On How They Will Ensure Fair Count, Accurate Apportionment Of Congressional Representation In 2020 Census
09/01/2020 Letter to Hon. John Barsa, USAID's Acting Administrator - USAID's recently released draft 2020 Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy
08/04/2020 Letter to The Hon. Eugene Scalia, Secretary of The U.S. Department of Labor, and Ms. Loren Sweatt, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of The Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Senator Baldwin Calls of Trump Administration to Address Reports of Retaliation Against Workers of Color Who Report COVID-19 Workplace Concerns
08/03/2020 Letter to Anindya Datta, CEO and Chairman and of Mobilewalla - Warren, Maloney, Wyden, DeSaulnier Probe Data Broker's Collection of Data on Black Lives Matter Demonstrators
07/31/2020 Letter to Joseph J. Simons, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission - Wyden, Cassidy and Bicameral Coalition Request FTC Investigate Advertisers Tracking Americans at Places of Worship and Protests
07/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Eugene Scalia, Secretary of the Dept. of Labor - Murray, Smith Urge Labor Department to Withdraw Proposal That Would Discourage Financial Advisors From Supporting Racial Justice
07/09/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Senate, House Environmental Justice Caucuses Urge President Trump to Reverse Course on NEPA Rollback
07/09/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Members of Congress to President Trump: Remove Policies Discriminating Against LGBTQ Individuals
07/07/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, HELP Democrats Demand DeVos Reverse All Actions Inconsistent with SCOTUS Decision Affirming LGBTQIA+ Rights
07/01/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, United States Attorney General - Rosen Joins Letter Calling for Department of Justice to Address the Mass Closure of Polling Locations in Tribal Communities
06/24/2020 Letter to Chris Gildea, President of Venntel, Inc. - Members Launch Bicameral Investigation Into Company Tracking, Collecting, and Selling Consumers' Location Data
06/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General; the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Hon. Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; and the Hon. David Bernhardt, Secretary of the Department of the Interior - Wyden, Colleagues Raise Concerns with Law Enforcement Tactics Increasing Spread of COVID-19 at Peaceful Protests
06/16/2020 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Following SCOTUS Ruling, Collins, Merkley, Baldwin, Booker Lead Bipartisan Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell - Feinstein, Merkely, Colleagues Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/11/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Duckworth Joins Schumer, Warren, Reed, Colleagues to Call on President Trump to Support Bipartisan Proposal in Annual Defense Bill to Rename All Bases and Other Military Assets Named for the Confederacy and Anyone Who Served in the Confederacy

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