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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
12/08/2017 Waters and 36 Current and Former Members of Congress File Amicus Brief in Support of Acting CFPB Director Leandra English
11/14/2017 Statement from Senator Elizabeth Warren on Banking Committee Deal to Deregulate Big Banks
10/26/2017 Statement from Senator Warren on House Passage of FY2018 Budget
10/04/2017 Senators Sasse and Warren Raise Concerns About $7.2 Million IRS Contract Awarded to Equifax
09/29/2017 Warren, Cummings Release GAO Report Confirming 2014 Dodd Frank Rollbacks Resulted in Giant Giveaways for Big Banks
09/26/2017 Statement from Senator Warren on the Resignation of Equifax CEO Richard Smith
06/20/2017 Sens. Warner, Hatch, Warren & Rubio, Reps. Price & Byrne Introduce Legislation Providing Relief for Borrowers of Joint Consolidation Student Loans
06/12/2017 Statement from Senator Elizabeth Warren on Treasury Department Recommendations to Weaken CFPB, Financial Reforms
03/31/2017 Waters and 40 Democratic Members Unite in Their Fight to Protect the Consumer Bureau
02/03/2017 Senator Elizabeth Warren's Statement on President Trump's Executive Orders to Roll Back Dodd-Frank, DOL Conflict-of-Interest Rule
01/11/2017 Cardin, Warren, Wyden, Durbin, Carper, Casey, Merkley, Baldwin Respond to Trump Announcement Not to Resolve Conflicts of Interest
10/11/2016 Statement from Senator Warren About Today's Ruling on CFPB by Federal Appeals Court
09/22/2016 Senator Warren Applauds Education Department's Decision to Withdraw Recognition of For-Profit Accreditor ACICS
07/23/2016 Remarks of President Barack Obama and Senator Elizabeth Warren as Prepared for Delivery
06/30/2016 Warren, Warner, Cummings Introduce Legislation to Improve Federal Oversight of Risky Derivatives Trading and Protect Taxpayers
04/13/2016 Statement from Senator Warren on Rejection of Banks' "Living Wills" by Fed and FDIC
07/21/2015 On Five Year Anniversary of Wall Street Reform, Senate Democrats, Joined by Former Senator Dodd, Fight Back Against Continued Attacks on Consumer Protections
12/12/2014 Senators File Bipartisan Amendment to Strip Wall Street Bailout Provision from Government Funding Bill
09/26/2014 Statement from Sen. Warren on New York Fed
04/09/2014 Sens. Brown, Schatz, Warren, Sanders, and Blumenthal Announce Legislation Protecting Consumers From Inaccurate Credit Reports And Scores
11/12/2013 Senator Warren Urges Action to End Too Big to Fail
10/31/2013 Senator Warren Urges Swift Confirmation of Congressman Mel Watt as Federal Housing Finance Agency Director
05/16/2013 Sen. Warren Joins Secretary Lew's Opposition to Derivatives Bills
01/08/2013 Statement from Senator Warren on reports of AIG lawsuit
10/02/2012 Action Against JP Morgan Provides Needed Accountability for Wall Street

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