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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
03/13/2023 Senator Warren in New York Times Op-Ed: Silicon Valley Bank Is Gone. Its Executives Must be Held Accountable and Washington Must Act to Prevent the Next Crisis.
04/21/2020 Medium - Congress must provide immediate relief for consumers. Here's how.
07/22/2019 Medium - Sen. Elizabeth Warren: The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It
07/18/2019 Medium - Sen Warren: End Wall Street's Stranglehold On Our Economy
05/09/2019 CNN - Americans don't need cliché financial advice. They just need to be paid more
09/14/2018 Boston Globe - 10 Years After Lehman Collapse, Washington Is Back to Its Old Tricks
04/11/2018 Bloomberg - Don't Make a Bad Bill on Bank Deregulation Worse
03/08/2018 Medium - I Call it Like I See it on the #BankLobbyistAct
10/20/2015 - The Banking Industry's Transparent Attempt to Weaken the CFPB
09/15/2015 - Sen. Elizabeth Warren & Rep. Steve Cohen: It's Time to Stop Employer Credit Checks
09/06/2015 - As I See It: Making Higher Education Affordable for All
07/17/2014 CNN - We Need to Rein in 'Too Big to Fail' Banks
07/07/2014 US News - The Big Benefits of Postal Service Banking
06/02/2014 The Salem News - Student Debt is a National Emergency
05/01/2014 CNN - Elizabeth Warren: What happened to the middle class?
04/29/2014 Politico Magazine - The Citigroup Clique
04/01/2014 Huffington Post Blog: Wall Street Should Disclose Its Think Tank Contributions
02/01/2014 Huffington Post - Coming to a Post Office Near You: Loans You Can Trust?
11/02/2013 Patriot Ledger - Sending Money Transfers Abroad Just Got Easier
09/18/2013 Boston Globe - Scaling Back 'Too Big'
08/12/2013 The Huffington Post - Four Questions for Fed Chair Candidates
05/21/2013 Boston Globe - Sen. Warren and Rep. Tierney: Banking on Our Students