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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

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Date Title
02/15/2024 Warren, Baldwin, Casey, Schakowsky Reintroduce Legislation to Crack Down on Price Gouging by Giant Corporations
02/13/2024 Warren Statement on Supplemental Vote
06/09/2022 NEWS: Sanders, Warren, and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Expand Social Security by $2,400 a Year and Extend Solvency for 75 Years
05/12/2022 NEWS: Sanders Introduces Medicare for All with 14 Colleagues in the Senate
11/17/2020 García, Warren, and 73 Members of Congress Urge Treasury and State to Ensure COVID-19 Aid Reaches U.S.-Sanctioned Countries
05/28/2020 Senator Warren Questions Treasury Secretary Mnuchin on Airlines' Compliance With CARES Act Bailout Provisions
05/12/2020 Chair Grijalva Joins Sanders, Velázquez, Colleagues in Unveiling Legislation to Provide Nutrition Assistance to Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa
04/30/2020 Van Hollen, Warren, Colleagues Urge House and Senate Leadership to Prioritize the Needs of People with Disabilities in the Next COVID-19 Package
04/24/2020 Warren Joins Whitehouse and Doggett to Unveil Bill to Repeal GOP Tax Giveaway to Million-Dollar-Plus Earners in Coronavirus Relief Legislation
04/16/2020 Massachusetts Lawmakers Announce Over $1 Million in Federal Funding to Address Environmental and Economic Challenges on Cape Cod
04/16/2020 Warren, Blumenthal, Carper to Top White House Ethics Official: Ensure COVID-19 Decisions Serve the American Public, Not President Trump's & Jared Kushner's Financial Interests
04/09/2020 Massachusetts Delegations Calls for $70 Billion for Community Health Centers
04/09/2020 Massachusetts Delegations Calls for $70 Billion for Community Health Centers
04/08/2020 Massachusetts Community Health Centers Set to Receive Over $34 Million in Federal CARES Act Funding
04/06/2020 Warren, Markey, Lynch Announce Over $2 Million in Federal Funding for Quincy Seawall
04/03/2020 Massachusetts Awarded Over $92 Million in HUD Grants for COVID-19 Relief
03/31/2020 Warren Calls on Mnuchin and Powell to Protect Workers & Root Out Corruption When Doling Out New CARES Act $500 Billion Bailout Fund
03/30/2020 Warren Urges Mnuchin to Use Massive Bailout Fund in Coronavirus Rescue Bill to Help States and Municipalities Before Giant Corporations
03/27/2020 Warren and Van Hollen Lead Senators in Urging the State Department to Provide Humanitarian Assistance to the Palestinian People to Fight Coronavirus
03/21/2020 Schumer, Warren, And Wyden Unveil Plan To Increase Benefits By $200 Per Month For All Social Security Beneficiaries
03/18/2020 Massachusetts Set to Receive $1.08 Billion in Medicaid Funding Under Federal Coronavirus Stimulus Package
03/17/2020 Senator Warren Lays Out Progressive Litmus Test for Bailouts to Large Corporations
03/05/2020 Massachusetts Awarded $500K in Initial Federal Funding to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak
10/23/2019 Brown, Warren Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect Students from Predatory For-Profit Colleges
09/17/2019 Feinstein, Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's "Public Charge" Rule

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