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Elizabeth Warren's Public Statements on Issue: Legal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (MA) - Sr

Date Title
12/14/2023 Senator Warren, Representative Johnson, Over 90 Lawmakers Ask CFPB to Protect Consumers, Rein in Financial Industry's Use of Forced Arbitration
06/05/2023 Senators Warren, Wyden, Markey, Hirono Seek Answers from Twitter on FTC Compliance Following High Level Resignations
05/03/2023 Senator Warren, Representative Doggett Call for Elimination of Investor-State Dispute Settlement System, Action on Behalf of Honduran Government
04/26/2018 Warren, Murphy, Wyden Introduce Bill to Ban Unnecessary & Harmful Non-Compete Agreements
12/07/2017 Menendez, Warren Colleagues Call for Investigation of Botched FEMA Contracts for Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Puerto Rico
03/31/2017 Brown Urges Court to Preserve Consumer Watchdog's Independence
02/10/2017 Senators Urge White House Counsel to Remind White House Staff of Conflicts of Interest Laws
02/09/2017 Following Muslim Ban Detentions, Senator Harris Introduces First Bill to Guarantee Access to Counsel at Border, Ports of Entry
01/23/2017 Carper, Warren Demand Transparency, Resolution on Violated Lease Agreement for Old Post Office Building
12/18/2015 Senators Warren, Blumenthal, Reid, Schumer Introduce Puerto Rico Emergency Financial Stability Act
06/04/2015 Cartwright and Posey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Make Federal Agency Settlements More Transparent
04/28/2015 Senators Lankford, Warren Introduce Truth in Settlements Act to Make Federal Agency Settlements More Transparent
08/19/2014 Sen. Elizabeth Warren Praises Gary as a Champion for Michigan Women and Middle Class Families
07/30/2014 Warren-Coburn Truth in Settlements Act Passes Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, Heads to Full Senate
01/08/2014 Senators Warren, Coburn Introduce Truth in Settlements Act to Make Federal Agency Settlements More Transparent