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Ernest Moniz's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

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Date Title
10/17/2016 Statement of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on Montreal Protocol Agreement to Cut Use of HFCs
10/05/2016 Secretary Moniz Statement on Reaching Threshold for Paris Agreement's Entry into Force
09/28/2016 Secretary Moniz Releases Report Showing the Cost Reductions and Rapid Deployment of Clean Energy Technologies
09/23/2016 Energy Department's Better Buildings, Better Plants Program Has Saved $3 Billion in Energy Costs
09/14/2016 Hearing of the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Testimony on 'The Future of Nuclear Power'
09/09/2016 Energy Secretary Moniz and Interior Secretary Jewell Announce New National Offshore Wind Strategy to Drive Deployment
07/18/2016 Energy Department Awards $40 Million for Research to Support Waste Cleanup at DOE Nuclear Sites
06/14/2016 Keynote Address to the Western Governors' Association 2016 Annual Meeting -- As Delivered
06/03/2016 Canada, Mexico and the United States Show Progress on North American Energy Collaboration
06/02/2016 Energy Secretary Moniz Hosts Gathering of World's Energy Ministers in San Francisco to Advance Technology Solutions, Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment
05/23/2016 Secretary Moniz Commencement Address to Boston College Graduates -- As Delivered
05/04/2016 Remarks With EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz
02/04/2016 A Statement from U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz on India Joining the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC)
01/22/2016 U.S. Department of Energy and New Mexico Finalize $74M in Settlement Agreements for Nuclear Waste Incidents of 2014
01/15/2016 Energy Department Announces New Investments in Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors to Help Meet America's Carbon Emission Reduction Goal
01/14/2016 DOE Announces $220 Million in Grid Modernization Funding
01/05/2016 Energy Department Selects Battelle Team for a Deep Borehole Field Test in North Dakota
01/05/2016 Dr. Sanjiv Malhotra to Lead Energy Department's Clean Energy Investment Center
12/17/2015 Energy Department Announces Largest Energy Efficiency Standard in History
12/11/2015 Dr. Cherry Murray Confirmed as Director of the Office of Science
12/08/2015 Secretary Moniz's Remarks at COP-21 on the Clean Energy Ministerial: Implementation and Increasing Ambition Beyond Paris -- As Delivered
12/08/2015 Secretary Moniz Announces San Francisco as Site of Seventh Clean Energy Ministerial
12/05/2015 Blog: How We Solve Climate Change
11/13/2015 Secretary Moniz Announces Clean Energy Technologies are Accelerating in the U.S. Marketplace According to New Revolution…Now Report
10/15/2015 Blog: A Global Effort to Phase Down Hydrofluorocarbons

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