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Gary Palmer's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AL) - District 6

Date Title
12/17/2021 Tweet - "Another week, another terrible record for illegal crossings. Last month is now officially the worst November for illegal crossings in the history of DHS."
10/20/2021 Tweet - "Arrest numbers at the border are the highest they've been in 35 years. When will the Biden Administration take responsibility for this crisis that its open-border rhetoric has caused?"
10/14/2021 Tweet - "I have witnessed firsthand the pain of friends who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses. This tragic epidemic has been exacerbated by the economic shutdowns of 2020 and the exploding border crisis. We must take it seriously."
07/08/2021 Tweet - "Open-border policies continue to embolden criminals who exploit the vulnerable in shocking ways. How long must this continue before serious action is taken to secure the border? #BidenBorderCrisis"
06/21/2021 Tweet - "Encounters with dangerous criminals have skyrocketed during the #BidenBorderCrisis. Securing our border helps protect the vulnerable, both in the US and among those seeking asylum."
07/22/2020 Tweet - "Democrats' #NoBanAct is not about policy, but undermining @POTUS. They planned to pass this bill in March, but pulled it as #COVID19 spread & travel restrictions ensued for safety reasons. This shows the bill's recklessness. It undermines any president's ability to keep us safe."
03/10/2020 Tweet - "The FUTURE Act includes the #NoBanAct, which undermines POTUS's authority to limit entry of some foreign nationals. This authority was used recently to combat #Coronavirus, but this bill would remove it. My statement on the bill & my amendment to it here:"
01/03/2019 Tweet - "This report is a grim reminder that failure to secure and enforce the border has horrible consequences. Going forward, Congress cannot compromise on our national security and must prioritize the safety of the American people"