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David Perdue's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
03/05/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Senator Warren and Reps. Velázquez and Thompson Urge President to Fully Fund Emergency Response in Puerto Rico
02/05/2020 Senator David Perdue Votes To Acquit President Trump
01/31/2020 Senator David Perdue Comments On Impeachment Witness Vote
01/19/2020 NBC "Meet the Press" - Transcript: Interview with Sen. David Perdue
01/15/2020 Senator David Perdue: House Democrats Failed To Make Case For Impeachment
01/09/2020 Senator David Perdue: Speaker Pelosi Is Wasting The American People's Time
01/06/2020 Inhofe Joins Resolution to Allow Dismissal of "Bogus Impeachment' Against President Trump
01/06/2020 Senator David Perdue Takes Action To Allow Dismissal Of Impeachment Against President Trump
12/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Rep. Bergman Leads Colleagues in Urging Congressional Leadership to Pass No Budget, No Pay Proposal
01/17/2019 Senators Lankford, Ernst, Perdue Call for No Recess without a Budget
05/15/2018 Sullivan Joins Colleagues in Urging Action To Break Through Confirmation Backlog & Avoid Last-Minute Funding Battles
04/26/2018 Senator David Perdue: Speed Up The Confirmation Process
02/16/2018 Senators Isakson, Perdue Comment On Nominations Of Two U.S. Marshals For Georgia
10/19/2017 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Overtime for the Senate
08/01/2017 Senator David Perdue Votes To Confirm New FBI Director, Christopher Wray
07/11/2017 Group of Senators Comment On August Recess Delay
02/17/2017 Senator David Perdue Announces Agriculture Subcommittee Assignments
02/02/2017 Grassley Resolution Would Reverse Obama-Era Regulation Limiting Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
12/13/2016 Isakson, Perdue, Carter Praise Passage Of Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Reauthorization
10/26/2016 The Daily Signal - Washington Should Be More Concerned About the Next Generation Than the Next Election
09/08/2016 Letter to the Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States - Warning President Obama Against Bypassing Senate On Nuclear Testing
09/07/2016 Letter to the Hon. John McCain, Mac Thornberry, Jack Reed, Adam Smith, Chairmen and Ranking Members, Congressional Armed Services Committees - Regarding Women Registering for Selective Service
09/24/2015 Senator David Perdue: Irresponsible Governing Must Stop Now
09/10/2015 Senator David Perdue Blasts Senate Democrats for Blocking Iran Vote
06/10/2015 Senator David Perdue Statement On Senator Johnny Isakson

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