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Mike McIntyre's Public Statements on Issue: Religion

Date Title
04/30/2014 McIntyre Urges Involvement in National Day of Prayer
04/15/2014 Letter to Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force - Religious Freedom in the Air Force
09/27/2013 Letter to Speaker Boehner - Protect Rights of Conscience from Obamacare
09/19/2013 Scalise Joins Bipartisan Coalition in Introducing Marriage and Religious Freedom Act
09/19/2013 McIntyre Joins Bi-Partisan Coalition in Introducing Marriage and Religious Freedom Act
09/13/2013 Prayer's Impact Upon Our Nation
04/26/2012 National Day of Prayer
11/01/2011 Reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the Official Motto of the United States
10/25/2011 Forbes, McIntyre Announce 100 Member Milestone for Bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus
07/20/2011 NBC Apologizes to McIntyre, Prayer Caucus for its Omission of "under God" from Pledge of Allegiance
05/05/2011 McIntyre Participates in National Day of Prayer
02/03/2011 McIntyre Participates in National Prayer Breakfast as President and 140 Nations Attend Event
04/21/2010 Tiahrt Introduces Bill To Appeal Nefarious Ruling On National Day Of Prayer
02/04/2010 McIntyre Participates In National Prayer Breakfast As President And 140 Nations Attend Event
02/05/2009 McIntyre Participates In National Prayer Breakfast As President And 170 Nations Attend Event
07/08/2008 McIntyre Represents U.S. at International Assembly: Both His Religious Freedom Amendments Pass
06/17/2008 Our Rich History of Faith
11/05/2007 National Bible Week
04/06/2007 Letter to Prime Minister of Poland Jaroslaw Kaczynski
03/28/2007 McIntyre Asks America to Pray for Nation
02/20/2007 McIntyre Re-Appointed To Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe
03/14/2006 Expressing the Sense of Congress That the Russian Federation Should Fully Protect the Freedoms of All Religious Communities Without Distinction