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Mike McIntyre's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food

Date Title
05/08/2014 Shea-Porter Leads Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Calling on FDA to Protect Small Businesses and Small Farmers
02/10/2014 McIntyre Hails Final Passage of 2014 Farm Bill
01/08/2014 McIntyre Secures Full Payment This Year for Tobacco Farmers
05/16/2013 McIntyre Delivers Key North Carolina Priorities in Farm Bill Passage
05/08/2013 McIntyre Advocates for Better, Healthier School Lunches for North Carolina Kids
05/07/2013 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Opportunity Act
03/04/2013 House Lawmakers Push to End Extra Permit Requirement for Ag Producers
09/10/2012 McIntyre Pushes for Fair Treatment of Tobacco Growers
07/16/2012 McIntyre Delivers Key North Carolina Priorities in Farm Bill Passage
05/15/2012 McIntyre Unveils Farm and Rural Policy Agenda
05/07/2012 McIntyre Supports Repeal of Burdensome Farm Regulations
04/27/2012 McIntyre Wins Challenge in Favor of Farm Families
12/08/2011 McIntyre Votes For and House Passes Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act
10/18/2011 EPA Answers McIntyre Call to Give Farmers Greater Flexibility on Spill Plans
10/14/2011 McIntyre Takes Action on 4 Key Farm Issues
02/28/2011 McIntyre to Serve on Key Agriculture Subcommittees Important to North Carolina
02/01/2010 McIntyre Helps Promote Jobs, Energy Independence, And National Security
07/16/2008 McIntyre Reviews Food Aid Delivery and International Agriculture Development Assistance
05/12/2008 New Farm Bill Includes McIntyre's Economic Development Commission
12/16/2007 McIntyre Announces Drought Relief
07/27/2007 McIntyre Hails Passage of Farm Bill
05/15/2007 McIntyre Leads Hearing on Food Aid and Agricultural Trade Programs
05/02/2007 McIntyre Chairs Hearing on Rural Broadband Programs
04/20/2007 McIntyre Pushes For Agriculture Disaster Assistance