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John Cornyn's Public Statements on Issue: Marriage

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Date Title
09/30/2021 Letter to Hon. Charles Schumer, Majority Leader, United States Senate, Hon. Ron Wyden, Chairman of Committee of Finance, United States Senate - Crapo, Risch, Colleagues Call Out Harmful Marriage Penalties in Democrats' Reckless Tax Proposals
09/30/2021 Letter to the Hon. Charles Schumer, Majority Leader of the United States Senate and the Hon. Ron Wyden, Chairman of the United States Senate - Cassidy, Colleagues Call Out Harmful Marriage Penalties in Democrats' Reconciliation Bill
09/30/2021 Letter to the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Ron Wyden, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee - Remove Any Proposals That Would Discourage Marriage
10/24/2014 Dallas News - Cornyn and Alameel Spar Over Immigration, Marriage, Abortion in Senate Debate
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Family
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Compassionate Conservative
02/15/2012 Saying "I Do" On The Texas Frontier
06/18/2008 Checklist for Change
05/15/2008 Cornyn: California Decision Strengthens Argument For Federal Marriage Amendment
01/15/2008 Sen. Cornyn Meets With Cardinal DiNardo
03/20/2007 Congressional Budget For The United States Government For Fiscal Year 2008
07/07/2006 This Land Is My Land
06/23/2006 The Kelo Decision
06/07/2006 Cornyn: Important to Preserve Traditional Marriage
06/06/2006 Marriage Protection Amendment - Motion to Proceed - Continued
06/05/2006 Unanimous Consent Request - H.R. 4437
06/27/2005 Statements On Introduced Bills And Joint Resolutions
06/27/2005 The Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005
08/12/2004 San Francisco Mayor Rebuked
08/01/2004 Update from U.S. Senator John Cornyn
07/14/2004 Federal Marriage Amendment
07/14/2004 Cornyn Statement on Federal Marriage Amendment Vote
07/14/2004 Press Conference in Reaction to Vote on Proposed Constitutional Amendment Banning Gay Marriage
07/13/2004 Federal Marriage Amendment
07/12/2004 Federal Marriage Amendment

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