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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Religion

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President with J.D. Vance

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Date Title
12/26/2020 Presidential Message on Kwanzaa, 2020
12/25/2020 Presidential Message on Christmas, 2020
12/10/2020 Presidential Message on Hanukkah, 2020
11/14/2020 Presidential Message on Diwali
11/02/2020 Tweet - "As Christians throughout this great Country celebrate All Souls Day, let's remember those who went before us and built this great nation. May their legacy inspire us as we keep our nation what it has always been: blessed and great!"
10/01/2020 Remarks by President Trump to Guests at the Al Smith Dinner
09/27/2020 Presidential Message on Yom Kippur, 2020
09/27/2020 Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing
09/26/2020 Presidential Message on the National Day of Prayer and Return, 2020
09/18/2020 Tweet - "Happy #RoshHashanah"
09/18/2020 Presidential Message on Rosh Hashanah, 2020
09/09/2020 Tweet - "The United States Navy, or the Department of Defense, will NOT be cancelling its contract with Catholic Priests who serve our men and women in the Armed Forces so well, and with such great compassion & skill. This will no longer be even a point of discussion! @CardinalDolan"
05/07/2020 Remarks by President Trump at the White House National Day of Prayer Service
04/12/2020 Presidential Message on Easter, 2020
04/10/2020 Remarks by President Trump at Easter Blessing with Bishop Harry Jackson
03/23/2020 Presidential Message on Ramadan, 2020
02/26/2020 Presidential Message on Ash Wednesday, 2020
02/06/2020 Remarks by President Trump at the 68th Annual National Prayer Breakfast
01/27/2020 Presidential Message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2020
01/24/2020 Remarks by President Trump at the 47th Annual March for Life
01/16/2020 Remarks by President Trump on the Announcement of Guidance on Constitutional Prayer in Public Schools
12/20/2019 Tweet - "I guess the magazine, "Christianity Today," is looking for Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, or those of the socialist/communist bent, to guard their religion. How about Sleepy Joe? The fact is, no President has ever done what I have done for Evangelicals, or religion itself!"
12/12/2019 Remarks by President Trump at a Hanukkah Reception
12/11/2019 Remarks by President Trump at Hanukkah Reception and Signing of an Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism

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