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Darrell Issa's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (CA) - District 48

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Date Title
08/29/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior - Thompson, Calvert Lead 25 Members of Congress on Letter to Combat Wildfires and Prepare Additional Resources
04/19/2022 Amicus Brief concerning Sackett v EPA - Mississippi Republicans Support States' Right to Regulate
10/05/2021 Letter to Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Rep. Steel Leads Letter Demanding Oil Spill Investigation
07/12/2021 Letter to Hon. Michael Regan, Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency; and Jaime Pinkham, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works - Daines to Biden Administration: Don't Rewrite Navigable Waters Protection Rule, Support Montana Farmers, Ranchers
07/12/2021 Letter to Hon. Michael Regan, Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency and Jaime Pinkham, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works - Lucas, Western Caucus: Return to Obama-era WOTUS "Misguided' & "Out of Touch'
04/28/2021 Letter to the Hon. Raul Grijalva, Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, Bruce Westerman, Ranking Member, Jared Huffman, Chair of the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife, and Cliff Bentz, Ranking Member - Mike Garcia, California Republican Delegation Urge Natural Resources Committee Action on California Drought
02/23/2021 Letter to the Hon. Scott de la Vega, Acting Secretary of the Interior, and Wynn Coggins, Acting Secretary of Commerce - California Republican Delegation Urges Biden Administration to Ensure Continued California Water Supply
09/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of The House of Representatives - Rep. Denham calls on Congress to halt Sacramento Water Grab by enacting Denham Amendment
01/10/2017 Letter to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Marine Fisheries Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Decision to Maximize Water Pumping
07/29/2016 Letter to Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy - Action on the Nuclear Waste at San Onofre
07/12/2016 Letter to Dianne Feinstein, Senator for California - House Passes Royce-Supported California Drought Relief Legislation
04/05/2016 Letter to Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy - Meet With Southern Californians on Nuclear Storage
03/24/2016 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - California Republicans Call on White House to Act on Drought
10/22/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States and Edmund G. Brown, Jr. - El Nino-Related Precipitation
09/02/2014 Letter to Frances Beinecke, President of the Natural Resources Defense Council - Investigating Improper NRDC Influence Over EPA
09/02/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Investigating Improper NRDC Influence Over EPA
05/02/2014 Letter to Robert Brenner, Employee of Environmental Protection Agency - John Beale's Fraudulent Activity at the EPA
04/07/2014 Letter to Justin V. Shur, Lawyer of Robert Brenner - Request for Every Document in Brenner's Possession that Refers or Relates to Beale
04/07/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of US Environmental Protection Agency - Request for All of Brenner's Documents Currently in EPA's Possession that Refer or Relate to Beale
05/16/2013 Letter to the International and Tribal Affairs Assistant Administrator Michelle J. DePass - EPA Political Appointee's Potential Violations
03/19/2013 Letter to EPA Region 9 Administrator Jared Blumenfeld - Personal Email Use
02/07/2013 Letter to Inspector General Arthur A. Elkins Jr. - EPA Email Practices
01/29/2013 Letter to James B. Martin, Administrator of Region 8 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Non-Official Email Account Usage to Conduct Official Business
08/21/2012 Letter to Mr. Boris Bershteyn, Acting Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
02/18/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - End the De Facto Moratorium and Issue Offshore Drilling Permits

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