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Lynn Jenkins' Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

Date Title
09/19/2018 Letter to the Hon. David Kautter, Acting Commissioner, IRS - Brady Calls on IRS to Update Virtual Currencies Guidance
07/19/2018 Letter to Attorney General Sessions - Answer for DOJ Denials in Civil Asset Forfeiture Cases
04/24/2018 Letter to the Hon David Kautter, Acting Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Taxes
02/21/2018 Letter to the Hon Paul D. Ryan, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - Congresswoman Claudia Tenney: Restore Equity in Agriculture Market
02/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House and the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the Senate - Young Leads Effort for Equity in Ag Markets
04/05/2017 Letter to Donald J. Trump - Remove IRS Commissioner
11/03/2016 Letter to the Hon. Jacob Lew, Secretary, Department of the Treasury - Opposing New Death Tax Regulations
03/23/2016 Letter to the Hon. John Koskinen, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service - Combat Improper Payments
07/08/2015 Letter to Jacob Lew, Treasury Secretary - IRS Operations
05/28/2015 Letter to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General - Lerner Criminal Referral
05/19/2015 Letter to John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Review Clinton Foundation Tax Status
04/01/2014 Letter to Ander Crenshaw, Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government - Keeping Pressure on IRS for Targeting
02/27/2014 Letter to Jack Lew, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Proposed 501(c)(4) Rules
05/13/2013 Letter to Douglas H. Schulman, Commissioner of IRS - IRS Targeting
04/24/2012 Letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service - Internal Revenue Service Emails
04/14/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Rejecting Additional Tax Increases