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Scott Brown's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

Date Title
10/02/2014 Scott Brown: The Obama-Shaheen Agenda Is Making It Hard On Job Creators
09/14/2012 Sen. Brown Statement on OMB Sequestration Report
06/14/2012 Hearing of the Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, & International Security Subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Saving Taxpayer Dollars by Curbing Waste and Fraud in Medicaid
05/16/2012 Brown Calls For Bipartisan Budget
04/25/2012 Key Committee Clears Bipartisan Legislation Requiring Department of Homeland Security to Conduct Clean Financial Audit by 2013
03/29/2012 Senators Highlight Government Accountability Office Study Showing Major Problems with Defense Department's New Billion-Dollar Accounting Systems
03/21/2012 Senator Brown, Bipartisan Coalition Introduce Fire Administration Reauthorization Act of 2012
03/09/2012 With Approval of Congress Low, Senator Brown Highlights Efforts to Restore Trust
02/17/2012 Sen. Brown Statement On Passage Of Payroll Tax Cut Compromise
02/15/2012 GAO Report: Dollar Coin Is A Heavy Lift For Taxpayers
02/13/2012 Sen. Brown Statement On President Obama's Budget
12/20/2011 Brown Statement On House Vote, Decision To Abandon Compromise
12/19/2011 Brown Blasts House For Jeopardizing Tax Relief, Unemployment Benefits
11/21/2011 Statement On Failure Of Deficit Reduction Committee
11/05/2011 Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Bipartisan Jobs Bills
09/19/2011 Senator Brown Statement On President Obama's Deficit Proposal
06/22/2011 Hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - "Transforming Lives Through Diabetes Research"
06/13/2011 Brown Joins Senate Repeal Of Independent Payment Advisory Board
03/09/2011 Brown Statement on Senate Budget Votes
02/15/2011 Brown, Ayotte Release "No Contracting with the Enemy" Legistlation
12/16/2010 Senator Scott Brown's December 2010 E-Newsletter
06/30/2010 Brown Offers Bill To Break Logjam On Funding For State Programs Without Raising Taxes Or Increasing National Debt