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Mark Dayton's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
03/14/2018 Remarks of Governor Mark Dayton as Prepared for Delivery State of the State Address
04/09/2015 Governor Mark Dayton's 2015 State of the State Address
02/06/2013 Governor Dayton's State of the State Address
06/30/2011 Governor Dayton Delivers Speech on Minnesota's Budget
02/09/2011 State of the State Address
12/11/2006 Coleman Says Healthcare Provisions In Tax Extender Bill Vital To Rural Minnesota
12/11/2006 Coleman Applauds Education Provisions In Tax Relief Bill
12/09/2006 Senate Passes Tax Relief Bill Containing Coleman Provision For Iron Range Power Plant
12/08/2006 Coleman Works To Clear Path To Make Minnesota Clean Coal Plant Eligible For Tax Credits
12/07/2006 Executive Session
11/14/2006 Dayton Applauds Passage of Iraq Reconstruction Watchdog Amendment
06/07/2006 Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005 - Motion to Proceed
05/11/2006 Tax Increase Prevention And Reconciliation Act of 2005--Conference Report
05/11/2006 Dayton Blasts Republican Tax Bill as ‘Abomination' with Big Giveaways to Wealthiest Americans
03/16/2006 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2007--Continued
03/07/2006 Stabenow, Levin Fight Proposed Tolls on Great Lakes Shipping
06/28/2005 Dayton Votes for Passage of Senate Energy Bill - But Cautions it will not Remedy America's Dependence on Foreign Oil
04/28/2005 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006 - Conference Report
04/07/2005 Dayton Promotes Tax Credits for Family Farms that Use Wind Power
02/17/2005 Social Security Reform
11/19/2004 IDEA
11/09/2004 Your Dayton's Account - After the Election
09/17/2004 Dayton Introduces Bill That Would Provide Predictability for Taxpayers and Prevent Political Gamesmanship with Tax Cuts
11/19/2003 Dayton Opposes Taxing Email
05/23/2003 Floor Statement of Senator Mark Dayton On the Costly Tax Bill

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