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Lindsey Graham's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
03/07/2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Tillis Pushes for Expanded Domestic Energy Production Amid Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
03/04/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Portman, Colleagues Push for Expanded Domestic Energy Production in Letter to President Biden
08/17/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Hoeven Joins Colleagues in Urging Biden Administration to Increase Domestic Energy Production, Not Rely on OPEC
08/17/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Sens. Cruz, Inhofe, Colleagues Demand President Biden Increase Domestic Oil Production, Not Just Rely on OPEC
08/17/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Demand Biden Reverse Call for OPEC to Increase Oil Production
08/16/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Kennedy, Republican Senators Urge Biden to Reverse Call on Opec to Increase Oil Production
03/02/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Sens. Cruz, Barrasso, Colleagues: Biden Admin Must Impose Sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 Pipeline
07/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Tillis, Colleagues Urge Senate Leaders to Consider Clean Energy Jobs Impacted by Pandemic in Next COVID-19 Package
06/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. James Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the Hon. Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee - 20 Senators: Defense Authorization Bill Should Include Advanced Nuclear
05/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jeffrey Kessler, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Enforcement and Compliance - Senators Call on Commerce Department to Reduce Russian Uranium Imports
05/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, the Hon. Wilbur Ross, and the Hon. Rick Perry - US Trade, Protect US Workers
05/19/2017 Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Funding for Department of Energy Research Programs
06/27/2016 Letter to the Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Call to Establish a Strong Renewable Fuel Standard
04/08/2016 Letter to Secretary Moniz - "Insurmountable' Problems with DOE Plan to Scrap MOX Program
07/02/2015 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Ernest Moniz, Secretary of the Department of Energy, and Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - The Need for Use of Biomass Energy to Spur Economic Growth
06/30/2015 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, and Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy - Biomass Energy
04/07/2015 Letter to Lisa Murkowski, Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee - Offshore Drilling
09/18/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Keystone XL Permit
08/07/2014 Letter to Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior - Expanded Access to Federal Offshore Areas is Absolutely Vital
06/04/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Regarding Cap-and-Trade Rule
05/22/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Enivironmental Protection Agency - Proposed Greenhouse Gas Regulations
05/22/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Regarding EPA Regulations on Coal
03/25/2014 Letter to Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader - Allow Vote on Measure to Speed Up Natural Gas Exports to Ukraine
03/13/2014 Letter to Ernest Moniz, US Secretary of Energy - MOX
03/06/2014 Letter to Ernest Moniz, Department of Energy - Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Project at Savannah River Site

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