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Fred Thompson's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


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Date Title
01/17/2008 Needing a Win, Thompson Lays into Rivals
01/13/2008 Thompson stumps in his 'neck of the woods'
01/10/2008 Republican Presidential Candidates Debate
12/12/2007 Des Moines Register Presidential Debate: The Republicans
12/09/2007 Republican Univision Debate Transcript
11/30/2007 The Arizona Daily Star - Thompson Backs Local Help on Border Laws
11/29/2007 Los Angeles Times - Public Inspires Intense Debate
11/18/2007 ABC "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" -Transcript
11/07/2007 Thompson: Stop Giving Businesses That Hire Illegal Workers a Free Pass
10/25/2007 Democrats' DREAM Act is a Nightmare
10/24/2007 Arizona Republic - Thompson: Penalize Cities, States Soft on Migrant Issue
10/24/2007 Thompson Calls DREAM Act 'Stealth Amnesty'
10/23/2007 Thompson Announces Plan to Secure Border, Enforce Existing Immigration Laws
10/23/2007 Thompson Proposal Would Enforce Immigration Laws
10/22/2007 Los Angeles Times - Thompson, Giuliani Start Fray at Debate
10/04/2007 Des Moines Register - Americans' Unity is Vital to Security, Thompson Says
09/07/2007 Washington Post - Thompson Stresses His Conservative Credentials
09/07/2007 Associated Press - Thompson Kicks Off Campaign in Iowa
09/05/2007 Fred Thompson: Tough on Illegal Immigration, Strong on Border Security
08/29/2007 Fred Thompson Addresses the Midwest Leadership Conference
08/17/2007 The Importance of Border Security
08/03/2007 Fred Thompson Addresses Lincoln Club 45th Annual Dinner
07/27/2007 Hazleton Immigration Decision
06/28/2007 A Good Day
06/13/2007 FDT on the Incomprehensible Immigration Bill

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