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Fred Thompson's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens


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Date Title
01/07/2008 Say Anything - Fred Thompson On Change
01/02/2008 FOX News Channel - Transcript
11/25/2007 The Hill - Thompson Charges Fox News is Biased Against His Campaign
11/18/2007 ABC "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" -Transcript
11/09/2007 Thompson Proposes Plan to Save Social Security and Protect Seniors
10/19/2007 Fred Thompson Speaks to the Value Voters Summit
10/05/2007 Remarks by Republican Presidential Candidate Fred Thompson at the Americans for Prosperity Summit
10/04/2007 Des Moines Register - Americans' Unity is Vital to Security, Thompson Says
09/07/2007 Fred Thompson's Des Moines Speech
09/06/2007 Fred Thompson Announcement Speech
08/29/2007 Fred Thompson Addresses the Midwest Leadership Conference
08/18/2007 Rocky Mountain News - Eager to Prove He's the Real Deal
08/16/2007 Sacramento Bee - David S. Broder: Shaking Up Presidential Race
08/15/2007 Real Earmark Reform Needed
08/03/2007 Fred Thompson Addresses Lincoln Club 45th Annual Dinner
05/04/2007 Address by Former Senator Fred Thompson to the Lincoln Club of Orange County
04/11/2007 FOX Your World With Neil Cavuto-Transcript
11/01/2005 Balancing the Budget
11/19/1999 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions - Government Information Security Act of 1999
10/26/1999 Social Security
07/28/1999 Taxpayer Refund Act of 1999
07/15/1998 Twenty-First Century Retirement Act
02/12/1997 Taxpayers at Risk from Government Waste and Mismanagement
11/01/1995 Balancing the Budget
05/11/1995 Facing Up to Our Responsibilities

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