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Doc Hastings' Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
12/04/2014 House Approves Natural Resources Provisions as Part of NDAA
09/18/2014 Committee Passes Legislation to Facilitate New and Expanded Water Storage Projects; Help Ease Western Drought Effects
09/18/2014 House Approves Bipartisan Energy Legislation to Create Jobs, Lower Prices, & Reduce Burdensome Regulations
06/26/2014 House Approves Bill to Lower Gasoline Prices and Create over One Million New American Jobs
05/07/2014 Federal Red-Tape and Inconsistent Decision Making Hampering Efforts to Keep the Lights On and Reduce Forest Fire Risk
04/02/2014 Hastings Receives "Water Statesman Award" from the National Water Resources Association
03/25/2014 Preventing Government Waste and Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act
03/25/2014 House Approves Bill to Ensure Affordable Electricity for American Families and Businesses
01/31/2014 Weekly Message from Doc: President Reports to Congress on the State of the Union
11/20/2013 House Passes Bipartisan Bill to Create Jobs & Advance Onshore American Energy Production
11/20/2013 House Approves Bipartisan Bill to STOP Duplicative Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations
10/29/2013 Broad Agreement That New Water Storage Needed for Water Supply, Hydropower and Environmental Uses
09/19/2013 Witnesses Agree Federal Regulatory Changes will Benefit Current and Future Hydropower Projects
08/02/2013 Hastings, McClintock Applaud Senate Passage of House Bill to Expand Renewable Hydropower Production
07/31/2013 Committee Approves Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Duplicative Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations
07/24/2013 Committee Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Expand American Onshore Energy Production and Create Jobs
07/24/2013 Five Ways President Obama Can Support New American Energy Jobs
07/01/2013 Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Obama Administration's War on Jobs and Proposed Coal Regulations
06/28/2013 Bipartisan House Vote to Approve Bill to Unlock America's Offshore Energy Resources, Create Over a Million Jobs
06/26/2013 Witnesses Underscore the Importance of Reliable, Affordable Electricity
06/25/2013 Hastings: President's National Energy Tax Bad for Jobs and Economy
06/12/2013 Committee Approves Legislation to Expand American Energy Production on Federal Lands and Waters, Create New American Jobs
06/06/2013 Witnesses: America Needs to Develop Its Offshore Energy Resources NOW
05/30/2013 Chairman Hastings Releases Draft Legislation to Expand Safe, Responsible Production of U.S. Offshore Energy Resources
05/30/2013 Chairman Hastings Releases Draft Legislation to Expand Safe, Responsible Production of U.S. Offshore Energy Resources

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