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Shelley Berkley's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

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Date Title
09/04/2012 Shelley Berkley Issues Labor Day Statement
08/30/2012 Shelley Berkley Statement on Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech
08/29/2012 Shelley Berkley Statement on Paul Ryan's Speech at the Republican National Convention
07/30/2012 Shelley Berkley Celebrates Medicare's 47th Birthday with Nevada Seniors
07/27/2012 Shelley Berkley Welcomes Vice President Joe Biden to Las Vegas
06/15/2012 Shelley Berkley Statement on Drop in Unemployment Rate in May
06/13/2012 Shelley Berkley Statement on Primary Win Start of General Election
06/13/2012 Berkley Campaign Launches Latinos for Shelley with More Than 40 Key Endorsements
03/29/2012 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013
03/21/2012 Ryan Budget Plan
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Protecting Social Security and Medicare
11/17/2011 Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution
11/01/2011 Letter to Speaker Boehner
10/04/2011 Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
07/29/2011 Republican Default Bill A Sneak Attack on Medicare, Social Security
05/27/2011 Berkley, Burgess Legislation Will Preserve Osteoporosis Testing
05/24/2011 Thompson, Berkley Introduce Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act of 2011
04/15/2011 Berkley Votes No on Extreme Republican Budget That Ends Medicare, Slashes Medicaid
04/05/2011 Berkley Alarmed By Republican Plan to End Medicare, Cut Social Security & Slash Medicaid
02/10/2011 Berkley Welcomes Findings That Medicare Advantage Premiums Down, Enrollment Up
02/10/2011 Letter to Justice Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court - Recusing Himself from Deliberations on Healthcare Reform
12/09/2010 Berkley Joins House in Approving Medicare Physician Payment Fix
09/23/2010 Berkley: New Healthcare Protections for Nevadans Now in Effect
09/22/2010 Seniors to Save on Medicare Advantage Premiums in 2011 Finds New CMS Report
07/22/2010 Providing for Consideration of Senate Amendment to House Amendment to Senate Amendment to H.R. 4213, Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010

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