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Steve Cohen's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TN) - District 9

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Date Title
01/10/2022 Letter to Hon. Curtis Johnson, Chair House Select Committee on Redistricting - Congressman Cohen Urges State Redistricting Committee to Include All of Memphis in One Congressional District
12/07/2020 Letter to Tammy Whitcomb, Inspector General of United States Postal Service - Reps. Lawrence, Adams, Connolly, Lynch, and Others Request Investigation into Decline of USPS's On-Time Mail
11/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Emily Murphy, Admin. of the General Services Administration - Congressman Cohen Demands Answers from GSA Administrator
11/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Wray, Dir. of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Congressman Cohen Asks FBI Director to Investigate Efforts to Deny Voters the Right to a Free and Fair Election
09/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General of the United States - Congressman Cohen Demands Attorney General Correct Erroneous Statements about Mail-In Voting
08/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General - Dingell Leads Over 100 Bipartisan House Members in Urging Postmaster General to Properly Execute Delivery of Mail-in Ballots
02/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Matthew Whitaker - Voting Rights
07/26/2018 Letter to the Hon. David Kautter, Acting Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, the Hon. Caroline Hunter, Chair of the Federal Election Commission, and the Hon. Ellen Weintraub, Vice Chair of the FEC - Demand Investigation into Trump Foundation
03/12/2018 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Urging the President to Follow the Law and Impose Russia Sanctions
02/08/2018 Letter to the Honorable Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of House Judiciary Committee - Emergency Hearings after Administration Official Reveals Russia Hacked U.S. Voter Rolls in 2016
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod J. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General - End Efforts to Undermine Special Counsel Robert S.Mueller III
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General - Congresswoman Susan Davis Joins in Expressing Support for Robert Mueller's Investigation of Trump
12/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the Dept. of Justice - Request for Urgent Briefing on Election Security
11/30/2017 Letter to Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President - Russia Disclosures Following Papadopoulos Revelations
07/18/2017 Letter to the Hon. Kris Kobach, Vice Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity - Withdraw Voter Data Request
07/10/2017 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity
06/29/2017 Letter to the Hon. Michael E Horowitz, Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice - Investigate Whether Attorney General Violated Recusal in Comey Firing
06/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States - Clarify Role in Ongoing Russia Investigation
06/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Don McGahn, Counsel to the President - Suspend Jared Kushner's Security Clearance
05/11/2017 Letter to Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee - Request to Hold Hearings on Comey's Firing
05/09/2017 Letter to Rod J. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General and Andrew G. McCabe, Acting Director of the FBI - Preserve Russia Investigation Documents & Materials Related to Comey Firing
03/10/2017 Letter to the Honorable Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of House Judiciary Committee - Oversight of the Trump Administration and connections to Russia
03/06/2017 Letter to the Honorable Dana J. Boente, Acting Deputy Attorney General of US Department of Justice - DOJ Review of Russian intervention in US Presidential Election
03/06/2017 Letter to the Hon. Donald McGhan, Counsel of the White House - Regarding Contact Between Counsel and the FBI
03/02/2017 Letter to the Honorable James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Honorable Channing D. Phillips, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia - Attorney General Jeff Sessions communication with Russian Officials

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