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John Shimkus' Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

Date Title
01/27/2020 Letter to Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Rounds, King, Harris, Pingree, Keating, Bergman Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging Administration to Increase the Number of Temporary, Non-Immigrant H-2B Workers for 2020
03/07/2019 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Enzi, Barrasso sign letter urging administration to increase the number of H-2B workers
01/23/2019 Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Chuck Schumer - Seasonal Worker Relief in Funding Agreement
06/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Management, Treatment, and Reunification Efforts of Children in Custody
06/26/2018 Letter to the Honorable Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Honorable Alex Azar, Secretary of Labor - Support of Seasonal Guest Workers
06/22/2018 Shimkus Statement on Status of Immigration Debate
03/30/2018 Letter to the Honorable Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor - Support of Seasonal Workers
01/29/2017 Shimkus Statement on Executive Order Regarding Foreign Nationals
06/23/2016 Supreme Court Blocks Executive Action on Immigration
01/01/2016 Issue Position: National Security
12/08/2015 Shimkus Votes to Strengthen Visa Waiver Program
11/19/2015 Shimkus Acts to Protect the United States
11/17/2015 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - Our Number One Priority Must Be Protecting the American People
11/16/2015 Shimkus Comments on Paris Attack
01/14/2015 Shimkus Votes to Defund President Obama's Executive Actions on Immigration
11/20/2014 Illinois GOP Congressional Delegation Responds to Obama's Executive Actions
11/18/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Keep Promise On Immigration Reform
11/13/2014 Letter to Harold Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee - Prevent Executive Amnesty
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Immigration Issues
10/03/2006 Letter to Secretary Rice
09/12/2006 Daily Clay County Advocate-Press - Shimkus: America Safer, But Not Completely Safe