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Donald Young's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


Date Title
04/02/2019 Bicameral, Bipartisan Group Introduces Legislation to Protect Federal Workers from Losing Health Benefits During Government Shutdowns
09/15/2016 Young Introduces Bill Returning Healthcare Options to Alaskans
09/15/2016 Young Introduces Bill Returning Healthcare Options to Alaskans
10/08/2014 Don Young Honored with Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award
09/05/2014 Alaskans Will Face Massive Health Insurance Increases in 2015
04/03/2014 Congressman Young Votes to Protect American Workers At Risk of Reduced Hours and Lost Wages
01/10/2014 Congressman Young Votes to Ensure Protection of Personal and Medical Information on
09/30/2013 Rep. Young Votes to Keep Government Open, House Sends Latest Funding Bill to Senate
09/29/2013 Congressman Young Votes to Delay Implementation of Obamacare, Fund the Government Through Dec. 15th
08/02/2013 Congressman Young Votes For the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013
02/19/2011 Rep. Young Votes for Largest Discretionary Spending Cut in the History of Nation
09/23/2010 Rep. Young Comments on the Six Month Anniversary of ObamaCare
09/30/2009 House Passes Deadline Delay For Pharmacies
09/24/2009 Rep. Young Votes To Cut Seniors A Break
07/15/2008 Votes to Override President's Veto on Medicare Bill
10/18/2007 Rep. Young Votes to Override Veto on SCHIP
09/25/2007 Rep. Young Votes in Favor of Alaska's Children
09/18/2007 Rep. Young Supports Bill that Puts Children Before Politics
04/26/2007 Congressman Young Votes to Ensure Fairness