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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

Date Title
04/26/2012 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3523, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act; Providing for Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules; Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4628, Interest Rate Reduction Act; and for Other Purposes
09/22/2011 Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012
07/19/2011 Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011
05/03/2011 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act, and Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
07/01/2010 Securing Protections for the Injured from Limitations On Liability Act
06/30/2010 Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2010
12/15/2009 Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Of 2009
06/09/2009 Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act
04/29/2009 Conference Report on S. Con. Res. 13, Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010
01/28/2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
09/16/2008 Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act
09/16/2008 Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act
05/21/2008 Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act of 2008
02/27/2008 Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008
12/18/2007 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
08/04/2007 New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act
08/02/2007 Conference Report on H. R. 2272, America Competes Act
07/27/2007 Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenegy Act of 2007