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Buck McKeon's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
11/24/2014 McKeon Statement on Hagel Stepping Down
11/07/2014 McKeon Statement on Potential White House Funding Request
08/27/2014 Chairman McKeon Statement on ISIS
08/21/2014 McKeon Calls for Leak Investigation Around Foley Rescue Attempt
08/07/2014 McKeon Statement on Situation in Iraq
08/05/2014 McKeon Statement on Afghanistan Attack
06/27/2014 McKeon Statement on President Obama's Land Mine Announcement
06/26/2014 McKeon Comments On Overseas Contingency Operations Request
06/23/2014 McKeon Statement on Successful Ballistic Missile Defense Test
06/20/2014 Chairman McKeon Statement on Passage of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY2015
06/17/2014 Chairman McKeon on Capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala
06/11/2014 McKeon Responds To New White House Claims On Terrorist Transfer
06/03/2014 McKeon Invites Secretary Hagel to Testify on Transfer of Senior Taliban Detainees
05/31/2014 McKeon, Inhofe, Statement On Release Of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl In Exchange For Release Of Five Guantanamo Detainees
05/27/2014 McKeon Statement on President's Troop Level Announcement
05/22/2014 Chairman McKeon Statement on Passage of the 53rd National Defense Authorization Act
05/01/2014 McKeon Responds to Oversight and Government Reform Committee Witness on Benghazi
04/04/2014 McKeon Statement on ENLIST Act and the NDAA
04/03/2014 McKeon, Smith Welcome Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to the House Armed Services Committee
03/04/2014 McKeon Statement on DoD Budget
02/26/2014 McKeon on President Obama's Failure to Advocate for the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan
01/06/2014 Chairman McKeon Statement on al-Qaeda in Iraq
12/12/2013 Chairman McKeon Statement on Passage of the 52nd National Defense Authorization Act
11/21/2013 HASC Leaders Comment On NDAA Progress
09/17/2013 McKeon Statement on Defense Department Inspector General Report on Contractor Access to Naval Installations

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