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Maxine Waters' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

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Date Title
07/10/2024 Providing for Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted By the Securities and Exchange Commission Relating to ``Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121''--veto Message From the President of the United States
05/23/2024 Cbdc Anti-Surveillance State Act
05/23/2024 Announcement By the Acting Chair
05/22/2024 Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act
05/08/2024 Providing for Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted By the Securities and Exchange Commission Relating to ``Staff Accounting Bulletin No.
04/16/2024 Iran Counterterrorism Act of 2023
03/08/2024 Expanding Access to Capital Act of 2023
03/07/2024 State of the Union and Housing
03/06/2024 Expanding Access to Capital Act of 2023
01/11/2024 No Russian Agriculture Act
12/18/2023 Maxine Waters, Ranking Member, Statement on Navy Federal Credit Union's Lending Practices
12/02/2023 Congresswoman Maxine Waters on GOP Effort to Overturn Protections for Small Businesses: "Senate Joint Resolution 32 is Just Another Part of Republicans' Relentless Attack on the CFPB."
12/01/2023 Providing for Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted By the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Relating to ``Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)''
11/28/2023 Ranking Member Waters Delivers Opening Statement During Full Committee Hearing with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: "Committee Democrats Urge Our Nation's Justices to Stand with The 82% of Americans, Including 77% of Republicans Who Want the Agency to Continue Doing its Job."
11/28/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Blasts Extreme MAGA Republican Resolution to Overturn Critical Rule to Protect Small Businesses, Root out Discrimination in Lending
11/27/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Urges IMF to Expand Efforts to Combat Corruption
11/16/2023 Ranking Member Waters Urges OCC to Drop Citibank's Performance Rating for Intentionally Discriminating Against Armenian Americans
11/15/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters' Statement on New CBO Report on Expected Flood Damages to Homeowners with Federal Mortgages, Calls for Long-Term Reauthorization and Reform of the National Flood Insurance Program
11/15/2023 Ranking Member Waters Delivers Opening Statement During Full Committee Hearing with Prudential Regulators: "After the Failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic…It Was Our Nation's Regulators and President Biden's Treasury Department That Protected Our Nation's Economy."
11/14/2023 Ranking Member Waters Delivers Opening Statement During Full Committee Markup: "There Is a Strong, Bipartisan Desire to Send a Clear Signal That Terrorism, From Iran's Support of Hamas and Hezbollah to Russia's Illegal Invasion of Ukraine Will Not Be Tolerated."
11/09/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Applauds CFPB's Proposed Oversight of Digital Wallet and Payment Apps
11/07/2023 Ranking Member Waters Delivers Opening Statement During Subcommittee Hearing on Financial Regulation: "We are 10 Days Away from A Costly Government Shutdown, and Instead of Working with Democrats...Republicans Are Advancing Funding Bills That Slash Critical Funding and Undermine Agencies."
10/31/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Applauds Biden Administration's "Retirement Security" Rule Proposal
10/30/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Urges Chair Gensler to Move Quickly to Finalize Climate-Risk Disclosure Rule
10/24/2023 Ranking Member Maxine Waters Applauds Final Rule to Strengthen Community Reinvestment Act

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