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Maxine Waters' Public Statements on Issue: Defense


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

Date Title
03/19/2015 Committee to Create Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate Terrorist Financing
04/15/2011 Congresswoman Waters Stands Up for Fairness, Disavows Republican Spending Plans
08/17/2009 Congresswoman Maxine Waters Speaks Out in Defense of Public Option
07/22/2008 Rep. Waters Calls on The President to Honor Iraq's Sovereignty and Redeploy Our Troops from Iraq
07/10/2008 Rep. Waters Calls on the President to Honor Iraq's Sovereignty and Redeploy our Troops from Iraq
06/19/2008 Representative Waters Calls for Change in Iraq War Policy
05/08/2008 Representative Waters Calls Iraq Funding "Unacceptable"
04/11/2008 Representative Waters Calls for Leadership on the Iraqi Refugee Crisis
03/20/2008 Rep. Waters Leads Letter to Bush Expressing Concern Over Plight of Displaced Iraqis
03/19/2008 On Fifth Anniversary, Rep. Waters Urges Change of Course in Iraq
01/03/2008 Harman Releases Declassified Letter to CIA on Potential Destruction of Interrogation Videotape
12/13/2007 Harman Says House Intelligence Committee May Have Been Deliberately Misled on CIA Videotapes
09/11/2007 Rep. Waters Says Petraeus is White House Messenger
09/05/2007 End the Irresponsible Training and Equipping of the Iraqi Security Forces
07/27/2007 Rep. Waters Helps Lead Bipartisan Legislation to Ensure No Permanent Bases in Iraq
07/26/2007 Rep. Waters Introduces Legislation to End U.S. Funding and Training for the Iraqi Security Force
03/08/2007 Oppsing View: Bring All Troops Home Now, I'll Vote for Supplemental Only if it Funds US Withdrawal by Dec. 31