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Maxine Waters' Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

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Date Title
07/15/2021 Waters Applauds President Biden's Executive Order to Examine Bank Merger Practices, Urges Federal Reserve to Strengthen Merger Reviews
07/14/2021 Waters at Hearing on the State of the Economy: The Fed Must Play a Central Role in This Economic Transformation
08/31/2020 House Investigative Chairs Joint Statement on Court of Appeals Ruling in McGahn Case
08/08/2020 Waters Responds to Empty Trump Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda
07/09/2020 Waters Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG
06/25/2020 Waters: "Donald Trump is More Focused on Saving Statues of Slaveholders & Confederate Generals than Protecting Americans from the Coronavirus'
05/13/2020 Waters Statement on Oral Arguments Before Supreme Court on Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG
02/05/2020 Rep. Waters: Impeached President, Illegitimate Acquittal
01/22/2020 Rep. Waters on Midnight Mitch McConnell's Sham Impeachment Trial Rules
01/22/2020 Rep. Waters: House Managers are Prepared, Trump Lawyers Don't Have a Clue
11/15/2019 Rep. Waters on Roger Stone Guilty Verdict: Dirty Tricks & Lies Will Get You Nothing but Jail Time
10/18/2019 Rep. Waters: Trump's Allies are Singing Like Canaries
10/07/2019 Rep. Waters Statement on Trump's Abandonment of US-backed Kurds in Syria
09/26/2019 Rep. Waters Statement on Trump Intimidating California by Slashing Transportation Funding and Undermining Clean Air Standards
09/25/2019 Rep. Maxine Waters Statement on the Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Donald J. Trump
04/18/2019 Chairwoman Waters Statement on the Release of the Redacted Special Counsel Report by Attorney General Barr
04/17/2019 House Chairs Demand AG Barr Cancel Press Conference on Mueller Report
01/12/2018 Rep. Waters Statement on Donald Trump's Racist Slurs About Immigrants
01/12/2018 Rep. Waters' Statement on Trump's Vulgar Lies about Haitians
10/12/2017 Congresswoman Waters Condemns Donald Trump's Efforts to Destroy the American Health Care System
08/10/2017 Congresswoman Waters' Statement on the Need for a Coherent Strategy Based on Diplomacy in Responding to North Korea
06/20/2017 Waters Strongly Opposes Garrett's Nomination to Lead Ex-Im
06/01/2017 Rep. Maxine Waters' Statement on Reports that President Trump may Reverse Sanctions and Return Compounds to Russia
06/01/2017 Rep. Waters on Trump's Treatment of our Democratic Allies
06/01/2017 Rep. Waters' Statement on Reports Suggesting President Trump will Withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Agreement

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