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Maxine Waters' Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

Date Title
03/24/2021 Waters Introduces Two Bills to Address Diabetes During COVID-19 and Beyond
03/04/2021 Klobuchar, Collins Introduce Legislation to Expand Training and Support Services for Families and Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
10/19/2018 Congresswoman Waters Statement on GOP Plan to Cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid
12/02/2015 Congresswoman Waters Commends the Residents of Her District for Forcing the Decision by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to Stop the Sale of 241 Low Income Housing Units
10/23/2015 Waters Introduces Legislation to Expand Access to Affordable Housing
10/22/2015 Waters, Financial Services Members Visit Local Homeless Service Provider to Underscore Need for Robust HUD Funding
07/09/2015 Waters, Meeks, Booker, Warren Host Groundbreaking Summit to Address Diversity among Federal Asset Managers
06/10/2014 House Adopts Waters Amendment to Halt Closure of LA's HUD Field Office
06/10/2014 Waters: Republican Spending Bill Ignores those Most in Need
05/21/2014 Rep. Waters Blasts Cuts to Housing Programs
03/12/2014 Congresswoman Waters Urges Action on Unemployment Insurance
11/08/2011 Kucinich, Burton and Young Lead Bipartisan Appeal to Protect Men from Prostate Cancer
07/30/2011 Congresswoman Waters Highlights 46th Anniversary of Medicare
10/15/2010 Congresswoman Waters Announces Support for $250 Payment to Seniors
02/04/2010 Congresswoman Maxine Waters: Minorities Continue To Face Unemployment Crisis
10/03/2008 Clinton & Waters Hail Congressional Approval of Their Resolution to Honor 10th Anniversary of Minority AIDS Initiative