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Maxine Waters' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 43

Date Title
09/15/2023 ICYMI -- Ranking Member Waters' Op-ed on the 15th Anniversary of the Financial Crisis and the Importance of the CFPB
05/12/2023 ICYMI -- Ranking Member Waters on Jordan Neely: "No One in America Should Be Homeless, And It Certainly Should Not Be a Death Sentence Should a Person Become Homeless."
06/29/2020 Medium - America Needs Emergency Rental Assistance Now
05/18/2018 The Hill - What the Department of Education Can Learn From the Foreclosure Crisis
09/06/2017 Medium - The National Flood Insurance Program Isn't What's Broken; Congress Is
06/06/2017 Medium - Why We Need the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Why Republicans Want It Dead
04/14/2016 CNBC - Time to Curb High Fees on Retirement Accounts
06/17/2015 American Banker - Big Banks and America's Broken, Two-Tiered Justice System
05/18/2015 The Hill - What the Department of Education Can Learn From the Foreclosure Crisis
09/19/2013 American Banker - How to Prevent Another Financial Crisis
09/18/2013 The Hill - Stabilizing Neighborhoods by Rebuilding Communities
07/22/2013 American Banker - 'Consumer Mortgage Choice Act' Takes Away Consumers' Choices
10/04/2012 The Huffington Post - Mitt Romney Misleads on Wall Street Reform in Presidential Debate
03/15/2011 Huffington Post - Ending Foreclosure Assistance Programs Right Now Is A Terrible Idea
01/16/2011 The Hill - In This Time of National Sorrow, Let Us Look to Dr. King
08/03/2010 Op-Ed - Urge Senators to Support Flood Insurance Bill
06/18/2010 Op-Ed - My Provision Does Not Politicize the Federal Reserve
06/18/2010 Op-Ed - Congresswoman Waters Celebrates Approval of Provision to Promote Inclusion of Minorities & Women; Blasts WSJ for Distortions in Editorial
05/12/2010 Op-Ed: Bill Prevents Predatory Practices
03/24/2010 Op-Ed: Consumer Protection Agency Must Be Independent
06/18/2008 Our Moral Obligation to Address Refugees' Plight
01/22/2008 Unfailing friend or failing state?
01/09/2008 The tale of the CIA tapes: What do we still not know?